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No Gas for refills !!!

Mel E

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I was speaking to the BP man on the BP/Truma stand on Sunday, when he dropped a bombshell. He reckons that LPG filling points at fuel stations will soon start to disappear. This is because no manufacturers now offer a pre-converted model to run on LPG, as Ford and other used to, and hence the sale of gas has started to fall significantly.


Now he was selling his own new brand of non-refillable bottles, but . . .


Is there anyone out there with genuine trade connections who can tell us whether LPG sales are, in fact, falling and, if so, how fast?


Mel E


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Guest JudgeMental

Blimey, looks like I will never have to refill my MTH bottles after all..... *-)


But surely there are a good few LPG dual fueled vehicles on the road ?

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Hi Mel, I suspect the BP man was feeding you a line. There may well be no vehicle manufacturer conversions to run on LPG but there are many thousands of vehicles still in daily use that use it. I should be visiting my local bulk gas supplier where I fill my cylinder soon and I'll ask them.



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Plus that a lot of Buses have now been converted to run on LPG, in particular London Transport and locally Arriva Optares which use several filling centres at outlying area's for refilling including designated filling stations.

Methinks someone is trying to plug their wares by rubbishing the competition, very bad practise in my book!


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Hi Guys,

I have not seen the forum for the best part of two months, as we are still in France. Over here they are selling gas in Plastic containers that look very similar to the BP type. I have not made any enquiries about them as we are still on our first container. I had thought about Gaslow but at the rate we are using gas they will never pay for themselves.


Ah well back to UK soon.


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An addendum to David's comment...


I know of two 'see-through' BP Gaslight-type gas containers that are (fairly) widely available in France - one is the Butagaz "Viseo" and the other is the Antargaz "Calypso". Both bottles have a 10kg gas capacity but, unlike the BP Gaslight product, Viseo and Calypso are aimed primarily at the domestic market and consequently carry butane rather than propane.


The French exchangeable gas-bottle market is much more competitive than the UK's and the promotional deposit on a Calypso bottle when it was first introduced was a measly 10 euros. From what I remember, the deposit on Viseo was initially 40 euros, but this very rapidly reduced to 25 euros, presumably because the French resented paying through the nose for a fancy plastic bottle and chose to stick with their traditional steel cylinders.

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The BP bottles are expensive - £41.50 to buy an 11 Kg bottle and £16.50 for a refill. (£37.95 and £12.95 for the 5KG).


However, returning to the purpose of this thread, yes, I did expect the BP rep to make the most of disappearing gas supplies. But remember, this has happened before - LPG conversions became very popular for taxis and the like in the 60s and 70s until the then government 'adjusted' the tax rate on LPG, largely removing its advantage over petrol. Filling stations offering LPG started disappearing almost overnight and it wasn't until the tax was 're-adjusted' that they started re-appearing again.


Yes, there are thousands of vehicles using LPG, but they're mostly getting older and are not being replaced at the rate thge old ones are being scrapped.


Mel E


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