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Speedo in kph. Need to convert


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Hello everyone. I'm a newbie to this forum and motorhoming, so hope to enjoy a lot of interaction with the experienced members!


I have just bought a new LHD Concorde Charisma in Germany and take delivery of it in early November to drive back and register it here.


It is on an Iveco Daily chassis and the speedo is expressed only in kmh.


Does anyone know where I can get hold of a 'card' which I can stick over the original speedo face, which shows both mph and kph?


I've Googled and found many such companies selling cards for Japanese imports (bikes and cars) but none that offer anything for an Iveco Daily.


I've found on ebay sets of adhesive numbers you can place in the appropriate places but I don't think these will work.


Has anyone else had this problem and does anyone have any suggestions to overcome my problem?



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Welcome Pelicanpete


I've done this job on my MB 412. I got a card (£40 ish) from Deepcar Motorhomes who advertise in MMM/web. one of our regular contributors, Brian Kirby has posted recently with details of another supplier. Search on his name and PM him. I'm sure he can help.


You mustn't stick anything on the front glass. it's not acceptable to VOSA/DVLA.


Deepcar's card required trimming to fit. I took about .005mm too much off in one place and the back lights show through the tiny gap at night. Irritating to me as otherwise you wouldn't know anything had been changed. So if you have to trim, be very precise.


If the Iveco is anything like my MB you'll have to take the dash to bits and extract the speedo unit and then take IT to bits. Removing the old card may involve prising off the needle which should be done with GREAT CARE. Don't bend the spindle!


The new face may bear the legend "Miles" near the odometer but of course the numbers on display will be kms. I made up a "miles" label in Word and stuck it over the top.


I've just seen Miami's reply and will be very interested to see if the satnav option will get you through initial UK registration. There's quite a lot of info on previous threads about mods required to imports.


As far as I understand matters, - MPH display is part of the construction and use regulations rather than the MOT. Folk with older vans that predate the C&U regs manage to carry on getting regular MOTs with kph clocks but importers find they have to change to mph displays in order to get through the DVLA inspection. The DVLA inspection is the one that is to ensure your vehicle IS a motorcaravan and occurs at your local licensing office, which in my case was Wimbledon.


Good luck.

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Guest Tracker
I've never done it so I speak from ignorance, but could you cut a slot in the new mph card, away from the needle's arc, and slide it around the speedo needle?
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I wouldn't recommend this as the instrument lights will show through the cut and as I said above even a very small gap that I cut by mistake irritates me.


There's also the slight chance that the edge of the cut might curl and interfere with the movement of the needle.


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Guest Tracker

Not if you cut the slot away from the needle's arc.

Is there enough clearance for the new card to superimpose over the existing one to eliminate light leakage?

I've not done it so I don't know - just trying to help!

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As regards superimposing the new card on top of the existing, please be aware this is relative to my experience with the Deepcar card on my MB. The card I bought is about 1.5mm thick and generally opaque except where translucent material allows light through to illuminate the numbers. If you superimposed one card on top of the original you would have 2 problems to contend with.


1) the clearance under the needle

2) the engraved translucent mph numbers on the new card will be in different positions to the existing kph numbers so you won't be able to see either set in the dark.


As regards cutting the card and slipping it under the needle, I did consider this but the card is quite stiff so you'd have to either make a wide cut to go either side of the spindle which would forever afterwards be visible with lights on, OR twist the card as it moved under the needle and I considered the risk of damaging the needle/spindle doing it this way was greater than taking the needle off.


Having done it, - taking the needle off was the better job, even though a bit scary.


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I repeat below the method I gave in a post about a month ago:


There is a very simple solution that will cost a few pence. It is as follows:


1. Get a sheet of thickish film - the sort that used to be used for overhead projection transparencies.


2. Use a piece of this film to trace out the shape of your Speedo as seen through the instrument binnacle glass by the driver. Best to use a permanent marker pen (available in WHS, etc., rather than a water soluble one and one that will show up against the instrument panel colour (such as white, light grey or luminous orange).


3. Mark each 10 kph division onto the same piece of film.


4. Because you've done this in cramped conditions, the result won't be brilliant. So trace it onto a fresh piece of film BUT leave the mph divisions off.


5. Now use a protractor to put the calculated mph values onto the circle outlining the speed on film 2. All you need is to know that KPH * 0.62137 = MPH. So 50 KPH = 31 MPH; 80 KPH = 49.7 MPH, 100 KPH = 62.1 MPHand so on. Do the sums for every 10 KPH.


6. Next place film 2 over film 1 so you have the KPH marking as a guide and use the protractor to help you get the MPH markings in the right place. (EG., if the angle between 0 and 100 KPH (0 and 62 MPH) is, say, 140 degrees, then every 10 mph is 140*10/62.1 = 22.5 degrees.


7. Finally, write the MPH figure neatly over the key figures: 0, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70. Then apply a small amount of moisture to the back of the film and it will adhere to the instrument glass.


This is almost completely legal (see below) and is acceptable to DVLA inspectors. No where does the law state that the numbers cannot be neatly hand-written.


The only problem is that the MPH figures have to be readable after dark. With some instrument panels this is not a problem. If it is with yours, a tiny LED wired into the cigar lighter and shielded from the driver's eyes does the job.


A lot cheaper than driving miles or telephoning yet another 087 premium rate number!


Mel E


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I'm truly amazed at the responses from everyone. Thank you all very much. When I get the vehicle back to UK I will consider each idea and let you know what I decide to do.

I also emailed Honest John (Daily Telegraph) and he advised that VOSA do not consider a GPS-type speedo to be acceptable for the purpose of approval..which is a shame. That would have been easy as I use a Garmin Nuvi 660, which would have done the trick, albeit it is not a dedicated speed as I preferred.


Anyway, once again, thanks to you all for being so helpful.



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Sorry, but it ain't as simple as that! If you do not provide mph on the speedo, you are illegal on UK roads. If are subsequently involved in an accident, you may find the insurance company's loss assessors notice this and offer a below par settlement.


Since a stick on of the type I describe costs almost nothing except a little time, why not do it and be sure that your insurance stays valid, whatever the circumstances?


I know this sounds crazy because UK roads are full of foreign trucks without MPH on their speedos, but this is the law for UK registered vehicles.


Mel E



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As a rider to Mel's method, but a few bob mone expensive, and possibly neater, would be to use Letraset or similar transfer lettering (or at least the numbers therefrom) - try Ryman, or other largish commercial stationers or graphic art suppliers - for the final version.  These should be available in quite a range of colours, in a variety of type faces and font sizes, from the larger branches.  Or, if you're really keen, you could get a pack of computer printable film from Staples and set up the dial to print off on your printer.

Next most expensive option, if avaliable, is is a replacement dial face, as you have already tried to find.  Try a web search for "Superdials".  Don't be put off if you only see cars and bikes at first.  There is a commercial vehicles section within the part of the website that deals with conversion dials.  However, the Iveco is not the most popular base and if yours is based on the 2007 Iveco, unless that retains an older type speedo, I rather doubt they'll have one.

Final, and most expensive, solution is to contact your local Iveco service centre in advance, and ask how much for a replacement UK complaint speedo.  That will give you MPH and KPH all nicely back lit and fully street legal.  You may need to wait until you've got the van back to UK before ordering one, as there may be more than one type depending on the model and spec of the Iveco base.  This route probably involves you in the least effort, but undoubtedly the greatest cost.  Anyway, you'll probably want the English owner's manual for the Iveco, plus the English service records and warranty booklet - so you'll have to go to the service centre sometime.

Final thought, don't forget much the same is true for the lighting.  To be UK street legal the rear fog light must be centre line rear or UK offside - one each side is OK - and the headlights must dip left without using masks or benders.  Do Concorde use the Iveco lights, or some other source?  If the latter, it may be wise to find out if they are switchable (increasingly rare) and what they supply for vans sold to UK.  If the headlamps aren't Iveco, and aren't switchable, see if they'll supply a left dipping set loose with the van.

If no inspection is required nether will be picked up, but the vehicle won't have been legally registered.  When you sign the registration application, you are in effect signing to say the minimum legal modifications have been made.  As Mel says, unlikely to be spotted until something happens, but possible dodgy if you are unlucky.  The lights will come up at the first MoT test.  Masks will probably be accepted for the MoT - unless the law gets changed in the meantime.  However, you should have saved so much on the import that even the cost for new lights and speedo shouldn't make too much of a dent in your loose change!

Good luck.

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You're going to get information overload soon, but here goes:


1. You do not need to have the headlights converted for the MoT - beam benders or tape are quite satisfactory. But (anomaly here) you do need them converted to be road legal when you re-register it.


2. The cheapest way of being neat and the method I used was to use Powerpoint to print the MPH circle, markers and numbers onto an overhead projection foil. Though less common now that everyone uses laptops and LCD/DLP projectors, you can still get them.


3. A key trick is to make sure the circle with MPH is either inside or outside the KPH circle so there is no overlap.


Mel E


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Sorry if I seem a bit thick here,from all the above do i take it that :

Although Vehicles supplied to the UK in RHD have BOTH MPH and KPH indicated on their speedometers. (this I DO know).

Vehicles supplied in the rest of Europe in LHD Only have KPH Speedo's ?

Why is this ? it can't be to save money,otherwise why put KPH on British Vehicles ?? It also explains why so many foreign motorhomes and Trucks seem unable to keep to our speed limits,going either too slow(annoying) or much too fast (dangerous).

Sorry if this is a bit 'off thread' but it's been a question i've been wondering about.

Makes this rule (must have MPH speedo) a bit Hypercritical. :D

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Once again, to everyone who has responded or commented, many thanks. All suggestions will be taken on board.


I've already spoken to Superdials. They do not have an Iveco card but helpful man said he could make one up, for a price!


I've spoken to to another Iveco dealer who said he can replace the speedo head or even re-calibrate my existing kph one into mph. This would have to be done via a computer up-link to Iveco Italy (!)


This particular Iveco is a 2008 model with the updated dials so, although I haven't checked with breakers' yards it is, I think, unlikely.


I like the Lettraset suggestion. I used to use those back in the 60's and 70's (before computers). Do they still produce these sheets? I'll call on my friend, G. Oogle to help out.


....and I take on board the legality issue mentioned by Mel, so will work towards achieving full compliance.



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Yes, LHD vehicles have speedos marked only in KPH.


There are fewer and fewer countries still using miles - even amongst the RHD countries. Canada, Australia and NZ now use Kilometres, for example.


And the few pence it costs to print KPH in a second, reflective colour certainly mounts up over hundreds of thousand of vehicles.


Besides which, we'd still need MPH as our prime display whilst the continentals would need KPH as theirs - so you're still into two sets of instrument faces.


Mel E



Mel E


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You might find helpful my final posting on the thread retrieved by the following link:




I have in fact seen a speedometer with a km/h outer scale and a secondary inner mph scale. This was on a cheap imported scooter and the motorcycle dealer told me he had another model where the speedometer and odometer could be changed from km/h readouts to mph (and vice versa) at the touch of a button.

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