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Vets in Belgium

Mel B

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We're going to France, Germany & Belgium shortly and will be travelling back with our last night in Belgium - does anyone know of any vets on the way towards Brugge (from the east) or around the city itself so we can get our 3 doggies checked out etc before coming back the following evening? Also, any idea of the likely cost so I can keep some Euros back rather than use the 'plastic'. We have some knowledge of French but if there are any English speaking vets that would be a bonus.
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The website http://freespace.virgin.net/passports.forpets has a useful list of vets mostly in France, but also other countries. We pay about 35 euro for the treatment for our Sheltie in France. Thats at 2 different vets, so maybe the price is fixed?? The bill from one showed 26€ for consultation and 9€ for medication used
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