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The Euro

Don Madge

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I agree with you Michele - we were horrified when the house next door was rented out to students a couple of years ago and it now houses about 12 eastern europeans, from various countries, but they all seem to work and are polite & friendly if treated in a polite and friendly manner - in fact they are preferable to several neighbours we have put up with over the years! *-)
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michele - 2007-11-07 7:22 PM


funny thought for the evening .

isnt this thread way off topic now thank god it wasnt me who started it .

It would of been moaned at and moved by now just thought I'd mention that :D



It may appear to be "way off topic" but if those who are happy with us sleep walking into a Federal Europe have their way, they might find it has a bigger impact on our freedom in general and our pursuit of things like motorhoming than they imagine.



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Vernon B - 2007-11-08 11:54 AM


michele - 2007-11-07 7:22 PM


funny thought for the evening .

isnt this thread way off topic now thank god it wasnt me who started it .

It would of been moaned at and moved by now just thought I'd mention that :D



It may appear to be "way off topic" but if those who are happy with us sleep walking into a Federal Europe have their way, they might find it has a bigger impact on our freedom in general and our pursuit of things like motorhoming than they imagine.





you mean we might find local authorities introducing Aires , diesel about 30p less than it currently is, fresh bread available for meal times and sunday breakfasts, coffee that actually tastes of coffee and isn't stewed, service stations that sell food that you can both afford and eat



sounds good to me

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"you mean we might find local authorities introducing Aires , diesel about 30p less than it currently is, fresh bread available for meal times and sunday breakfasts, coffee that actually tastes of coffee and isn't stewed, service stations that sell food that you can both afford and eat"



sounds good to me


Well not exactly twooks. What I had in mind was a Super State that no longer reflects the incredible diversity we enjoy across Europe (not just France), run by unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats. I'd prefer to avoid that and deal with your concerns by buying a bread and coffee maker.



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not a chance Vernon, there is a long way to go before boring homogenisation sets in [wow - what a word!! - no not about milk]

just as long as we keep mcdonalds and co at arms length,

you only have to look at the BeNeLux countries to see that the fundamental differences remain, in fact - just look at Belgium

or Italy




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Vernon - you sound like a UKIP candidate. Same old stuff about unelected bureaucrats in Brussels.


Wasn't this just a note from Don Madge about Cyprus & Malta joining the Euro?


I also note that loads of other countries are joining the Schengen agreement removing border controls. Want to discuss that as well?

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twooks - 2007-11-09 1:46 PM


not a chance Vernon, there is a long way to go before boring homogenisation sets in [wow - what a word!! - no not about milk]

just as long as we keep mcdonalds and co at arms length,

you only have to look at the BeNeLux countries to see that the fundamental differences remain, in fact - just look at Belgium

or Italy





Dunno if Belgium is a good example - apparently it is on the verge of breaking up because the various "states" can't find a way of forming a government after many, many years of co-existing. A sober reminder of what will inevitably be the outcome of the European project.


Anyway on a lighter note your "homogeneous" reference reminds me of the predictions being made in the seventies when we became a member of the Common Market. Apparently this would lead to the birth of "European Man". This super being would be blessed with the principal characteristics of each of the member nations. He would have the generousity of the Dutch, the wit of the Germans, the culinary skills of the English, the abstemiousness of the French, the passion of the Belgians, and the organisation skills of the Italians. What a man!

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bognormike - 2007-11-09 4:50 PM Vernon - you sound like a UKIP candidate. Same old stuff about unelected bureaucrats in Brussels. Wasn't this just a note from Don Madge about Cyprus & Malta joining the Euro? I also note that loads of other countries are joining the Schengen agreement removing border controls. Want to discuss that as well?

I'll risk an opinion on Schengen - heigh ho, fools rush in etc!

Emotionally, it's a great idea.  Its rather obvious problem, is that every country's borders are policed to slightly differing standards, yet under Schengen all those borders become our joint borders.  I know it is unfair to cite instances, but anyone passing the border of a Schengen signatory then has the full run of the EC states.  Thus, in theory, (and assuming we'd all signed up) a Bulgarian border guard would govern access to the UK, or any other state, and vice versa. 

This is clearly nonsense and it is the politicians, and not the faceless beauracrats, who signed that agreement before they had worked out the mechanisms necessary to make it work properly. 

If fact, it seems to me most of the really silly European legislation stems far more from the short sightedness and headline grabbing hunger of politicians than from the desires of the faceless ones.  Give me a well educated bureaucrat over a publicity crazed politico any time!

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Vernon, surely the fact that Belgium is still clearly well differentiated is a mark against your argument of us all becoming the same,

can't have your cake and eat it mate,

Brian, well said - as usual - at least faceless bureaucrats are in it for the long haul and not just looking for a good scam - like envoy to the Middle East >:-)

Don, sorry mate, but you've been tango'ed and your thread well and truly hi-jacked :-> :-> :->



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Interesting that driving into Spain this summer from France, the previously closed border controls, with dirty windows, etc., had all been re-opened and there were queues about 30 minutes long.


All down to prevention of terrorism, I guess.


Mel E



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I'm truly amazed by many of the opinions expressed on this thread.


When we go and live in France - and there are now villages where only English is spoken - we are rescuing decaying French villages, towns and property from falling into total loss - or some such.


But when rather poor people, most of whom only want to do a decent day's work and live in peace with their families, come to our country, they're taking the food out of our mouths.


Maybe we should do more about our own 2 million+ NEETS (not in Education, Employment or Training - and mostly never have been and mostly never will be) before we start throwing stones.


And let's not forget that, until the latest influx over the past 5 years' or so, British citizens were abandoning the UK to live abroad permanently somewhat FASTER than the new residents were coming in - yes, we had a net loss!


Mel E



(Any political opinion expressed is purely intentional !!)



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I never see a problem. The Italians and Chinese built the canals. The irish built many towns and Airports. The Caibbean's assisted with London Transport. The Polish assisted our industries. The Japanese showed us how to run our Motor Industry. The British are renovating Europeans properties.


Its a glorious merry-go-round. The big problem with many British is they think they are best. They certainly are not.


Take your M/H to a small village ie in Bulgaria, you'll soon see why the young want to move out.

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