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Aint Life Boring????

David Dwight

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Just back this week from 2 months in France. We wern't gassed.


We have not had to pay any charges on Debit?Credit cards, both were accepted everywhere OK.


We had a total of 5 hours rain.


There is still gas left in our first cylinder.


We wild camped. (Still lots of it going on despite the so called ban on it).


We only saw 4 Brits.


The Wife and I are still talking to each other.


The Dog behaved himself.


Despite all that we had a great time, now reflecting on all the things we did not do or see, making notes ready for the next time we go on a long trip to France.







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yes ain't life good when you have the freedom of a motorhome .you can't beet France and all the freedom to roam we love to. looking forward to next year going to france ,saving our tesco vouchers for tunnel, sent off for English version of Aries book. getting our dogs pass port done.  yes ain't life boring waiting for next year to come 
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We left Calais headed down the coast to the Somme then inland towards Limoge. We had a very moving experience at Oradour sur Glane. Then on to Cahors, Millau to see the Bridge and the Gorges. Onto Roussolin for a while on the Med then up through Provence to Savoi, Burgundy, Alsace and Lorraine spending a few days with our French friends before heading for cheap Diesel in Luxembourg ( interesting this time last week the price of Gasoil dropped in France) then onto Calais, the run to Calais was when we had most of the rain.


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David Dwight - 2007-11-03 9:07 PM

We wild camped. (Still lots of it going on despite the so called ban on it).

Hi Dave, Your comment on wild camping caught my interest. Could you (or anyone else who knows) elaborate please. I've not heard of such a ban.

Regards Cattwg. (?) *-)

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