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Markets within Britain

Corky 8

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Hi All , Came across this on my quest to find a Book on Market days in GB, ( have one on France ) it may be of some interest to someone, we always try to buy from Local producers, so Markets are ideal shopping places for us plus I think the fruit and veg is always fresher and tastes better ( my opinion for what its worth ) hope it of some use if you scroll down you should see the counties/towns listed click on the one you want ,any problems let me know ,Ill try and give more insite http://www.information-britain.co.uk/othertypes.cfm?type=Market. Cheers Corky :-D
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we always try to buy from Local producers, so Markets are ideal shopping places for us plus I think the fruit and veg is always fresher and tastes better

Same here Corky so thanks for the link.


One that sticks in my mind is Tewkesbury - we visited at the beginning of May. Not the biggest but some great stalls and produce. Good local butcher and deli there as well, I hope they've all recovered from the floods.



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