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For Sale sign in van-carefull where you park!


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What annoys me is that the car parks were 'bought' by us a tax ppayers in the first place and, argueably belong to 'us' so why should L.A.s be dictatorial with us over our using what is ours in the first place. I can accept a small charge to cover maintainance costs but at one car park in Norwich, some way from the city centre adjacent to the court complex, 'they' charge £1:40 per hour. Now that I suggest is a 'rip off'!!!


Regards Mike

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The biggest fault here lies with the people who pay these ludicrous fines.

We, as a nation tend to roll over and accept these things, especially when the demand for a fine is accompanied by a letter pointing out that if you challenge it in court, you are liable for costs etc, and the fine is then up to £2500.

What it doesn't explain is that £2500 is the maximum fine a magistrate court can impose, nothing to do with the matter in question. Truth is if you took it to court, a magistrate would throw it out.


So, we, as honest (mostly) law abiding people, pay up. The council concerned can now state that it is common and accepted practice for the council to impose this sort of fine, and they have you by the short and curlies from that moment on.



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