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Paul M

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2008 will soon be with us thank goodness and we are sat on our Rapido while building our new home and thinking of our hols.


We would like to travell to Morocco mid to end of March. I am sure there are a few out there who can help us with the questions below. We intend to take about a week travelling down to Spain about two weeks in Morocco and about one week travelling back to Dover.


1 Whats the weather like then?

2 We both like to sun bathe as much as possible any good private beaches?

3 Which are the best areas to visit, not into big cities like villages.

4 "Her in doors" not keen on very high and scarey mountains

5 Where is the best to cross on ferry to Morocco roughly how much will it cost and which is the best time to travell?


Paul and Ann

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If you don't get answers you need from this thread, do a search, type in 'morocco', reset date limit to 'one year', if none of the threads give you an answer (there are quite a few) then try pm'ing anyone who has posted that they have been there.
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P & A,


1. Morocco is beautiful at almost any time of year. March will be quite hot, especially further south, but not uncomfortably so. For more weather information, try bbc.co.uk/weather.


In visiting Morocco, you need to understand that it is not Spain moved further south - it is a Third World country with serious poverty in many places and you will find yourself pursued by young children (take a bunch of cheap pencils and paper to give them - go for quantity not quality). You'll also be pursued by young men trying to make a sale or asking for your old shoes, etc. This is not to everyone's taste.


2. Beaches are not private and, being an arab, muslim country, any form of excessive removal of clothing is to be avoided (i.e., naturism is not an option). However, almost the whole of the Atlantic coast is beautiful sandy beach so you can fetch up just about anywhere for the day.


3. Two weeks is far too short a time. We can get from the southern UK to south Spain in 3 days without over-doing either speed of time spent driving. Try and maximise the time in Morocco. If only 2 weeks, then visit anceient Morocco - the triangle of Fez, Volubilis and Marrakech, but leave a few days for the beach. If longer then head straight south past Casablanca (which if on the same latitude as the Canaries) and you have beautiful country, friendly people, great beaches. Agadir is a good calling point.


4. Avoid Tangiers - the entry point is very fraught and bribes are not uncommonly requested. Best route in is Algeciras to Ceuta in Spanish Morocco. There are also routes from southern France and northern Spain which will save driving time but are more costly. Use Google - I just typed in 'ferries to Morocco' and got loads of info.


Finally, invest NOW in a good guide book so you can study what's worth visiting and make up your own itinerary matching your own tastes in what to see.


Mel E



Hope that helps start you





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