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Wild Camping in Spain


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I keep reading threads on different web sites where people mention the fact that they or they know people who have been moved on by the police or other people in authority from areas where they felt wild camping was allowed ??.


Does this mean that the Spanish authorities would rather people didn't wild camp and does that go for other European countries like Portugal etc.




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I can only speak from 6 months experience of this MH lark, but we've been away a lot on trips over a fair part of Spain now (perhaps 25 nights in total of wild camping), and have never had a problem at all.


Having said that, we avoid the built-up costal resort areas in the main, and head off inland to the most wonderfully scenic parts of Mid and North Spain....national park areas, and medieval towns and villages etc.

Having said that, I can think of at least 4 occasions when we've wild camped right on or just at the edge of the beach - but on stretches of coast outside of coastal towns rather than in the middle of them.


We generally also get well off the road to park up, up tracks etc rather than just at a layby.


I have no idea what the legal situation is regarding wild camping here, but inland Spain is such a massive, and sparsely populated country, that I doubt anyone worries too much about it in practice.

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B-) Having spent 7 years Wild Camping in Spain. I can advise the same as BGD. Camping inland can be OK and trouble free. Much of the Costas have now been taken over by Developers. Camping is banned from most of them. There are still one or two places you CAN be by the sea. But they are few and far between. I believe that Portugal is getting to be the same. *-)
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I have just crossed northern Spain and am currently in Portugal. Wild camping is officially prohibited in both countries. However, I have only used campsites a handful of times and that's when I wanted to stop in one place for more than one night or had washing that needed drying!


The camperstop Europe book (www.camperstop.com) has been useful as it contains "tolerated" places in Portugal (the Spain section was pretty useless as it's mostly campsites that are listed).


I agree with the previous post about choosing your wild camping location carefully. Keep away from prime beach locations although the roads are so quiet this time of the year we've found a few prime spots and have never been bothered by the Police.

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We went there earlier this year and wild camped at a few places right on the beaches and the local police just went past. We stayed in Mojacar for 12 nights right on the beach, as did others, and we were not bothered at all. In fact a bread van called every morning!


Providing you are not outside someones house/hotel or blocking an access road I think they tolerate it. They probably have more important things to do! Just be careful of the surrounding areas, (which is commonsense!) and if you can park with others then you will be OK.

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