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Southern Ireland


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We are planning to tour southern ireland next Easter for 2 weeks. Any help on suitability of roads & recommended sites would be greatly appreciated. Also if you know of any helpful web sites we could use. Travelling in a Swift Bolero with daughter & family in 4 berth Hymer a bit bigger than ours. Need to accommodate 2 grandsons interests as well - aged 10 & 12 so would like some child friendly sites.

Thanks in anticipation


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Bord Failte, the tourist board will provide a free sites booklet and googling will throw up any number of site guides. With Easter being early next year it might be worth checking opening dates as there are few all year sites. Even those listed as closed will often open if telephoned. Standards are variable on sites with some being excellent and others rather basic and there are rarely MH grey water waste disposal areas provided.

It would be wise to decide in advance which areas you wanted to visit and not be too ambitious. Allow longer than usual to cover distances as roads, particularly in rural areas can be narrow and twisty.That said, they are mainly traffic free away from the cities and towns but you will notice that driving standards leave something to be desired! One good thing though is that often HGV's and slower traffic will pull onto the hard shoulder, if there is one, to allow you to overtake. It's not a legal requirement just courtesy.

Ireland is very child friendly and you will find sites,pubs and restaurants welcoming. You will also appreciate cheaper diesel prices.

Go in relaxed mode, don't rush, take things as they come and you will have the time of your life!


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NEVER drive through a pothole in the road unless you can see the bottom, because many are known as Leprechaun's swimming pools due to their depth!


Take a good toolkit and expect things to vibrate loose!


The Irish are a friendly people and they will always smile whilst unburdening you from your Euros!

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In 2006 I ran a Rally in Southern Ireland and had a great time.

I know its a bit long but here is my write up I thought it would show you how lovely Southen and Western Ireland is.

Kent Groups Irish Holiday May 3rd to May 13th 2006


We set off and travelled through England and Wales to Reach Pembroke on the 26th April where some members met up and crossed to Ireland together.

The crossing was great as we tucked into well cooked meals from the resturant and the sea stayed calm for us.

We landed and went to St Margaret’s the site at Ross Lair as we wanted to wait for members to sail the next day so we were able to walk to the beach to sun ourselves and the next day we were able to do the same

28th Ann Don Brian and Ann set off to explore the mountain region while the rest set off with me to Waterford and toured the Crystal factory which was so interesting seeing how they made the pretty glass objects.

On our way again to our next camp site by the sea we travelled past some lovely houses that cost a million Euros the EU has been putting a lot of money into the country to improve the roads as well.

In the evening we went to the local but being Friday night it was packed with the local men who were so friendly as they enjoyed their Guinness. Our men folk sampled the Guinness too. Ray fell over on the way back to site it, into a pot hole or was this the Guinness ?.

29th we all did our own exploring around the area where I came across a men only bathing area which I thought was a bet sexist.

More members arrived to catch up with us so we all went to the dinning room in the evening and had a great social evening together.

30th We travelled to Blarney Caravan and camping site where we met in the campers dinning room at night for a drink and a chat.

1st May We walked a mile and a half down the hill to Blarney Castle to kiss the stone and walk around the Town then go back to site up the hill.

In the evening we had a social evening in the dinner’s hall.

Maureen and Pete where beginning to find out how useful it was going to be to have brought their scooter to go off to find more about the area.

2nd May 11 vans arrived at White Bridge Killarney to set up for the arrival of the rest of the group and to have an evening in the lovely rally room that is there.

3rd of May All the vans Arrived 23 vans and 49 members did arrive to start the 9 day holiday.

3rd may Pete’s bike blew over in the night as the wind really had got up for a few hours.

Pete Annie Geoff Jane Maureen and Pete all set off for a ride around the area and we all explored the town or stayed around the camp and looked at the lovely scenery that surrounds the site.

In the evening Moira the owner gave us a great welcome talk explaining everything about the surrounding area and all the coach trips that left the site and asked me to tell her what trips we wanted to do.

We carried on with a very social able evening.

4th May we walked into Killarney and in the evening we went on a Pub crawl to hear the Traditional Irish Music which we did do but then a group from Galway started loading in their equipment for a heavy metal gig and said they started at 11.30pm .

First mistake do not think Irish pubs close at 11pm they only get started at that time and I had arranged for the coach to pick us up at 11.30 pm so we went and found a fish and chip shop and eat our supper as we went to the meeting place for the coach.

5th May We walked up the river where Chris Day and Mick Olley where fishing Mick lost his Rod. Mick said he had caught a salmon but the size wasn’t enough to eat it was so small.

In the evening we went to the Theatre to see a smashing Irish Dance show it was magic and a tiny brother and sister from the audience gave us an Irish dance in the interval they were really good and will be the future dancers as their father and grandfather were.

We all went to the coach happy and I thought Wow I have got this right and it is going to be a great rally.

6th May We woke up to rain so we cancelled the trip to the gap of Dunloe and we went to Mucrose House in our van.

The sun came back out late afternoon and everyone came back to site they all had had a good day.

7th May we went on the trip to the ring of Kerry

Such scenery it was really a great all day trip.

8th May The trip to the Dingle was so good, we went over Mountain roads that the coach couldn’t really get around the corners in one go, he had the front end on the rock wall in front and the back end staying on the other side of the road where there was a great drop to the sea HELP!!!!!

We got home safely though and needed the drink in the evening.

9th may We will never forget this day for the rest of our lives.

The Gap of Dunloe is the best trip.

A Vintage bus turned up to collect us but could only seat 16 so the rest went on mini bus.

We were taken to Ross Castle where we got into an open boat and sailed in the early morning over a huge lake in 2 boats it was an adventure beginning.

We came to the rapids so we had to get onto land to walk while the boat was pulled up the rapids and then we were allowed to get back and sail on.

We travelled through 3 lakes to find ourselves in the Mountains where we got back onto dry land and had a coffee in the café and then walked through to the pony and carts.

This is so hard to describe as we went back in time sitting in carts and the pony doing all the hard work of pulling us up the gap of dunloe with the driver egging him on it made me feel so guilty that I had started to put on weight as you do on holiday.

We passed the people who where so bravely walking the 7 miles and we came to the top where the track in front fell away twisting around down through the mountains.

The pony went into a trot and I felt like I was in the film Ryan’s daughter with the wind blowing in my face and the sun blazing in the sky and the feeling of sea sickness as we were shaken about.

We got to the bottom to find we were at Kate Carneys’ cottage and sat with a well earned drink where we were picked up on the coach and returned to site

We will never forget the gap of Dunloe.

10th May Walked around Killarney

In the evening we went for meal at a hotel and the food was the best and well served

11th may We all did our own thing so we went back to Muckrose house as we hadn’t been around the farm and was glad we had as it was very nice and they were making soda bread in the houses (the secret is to only use half a teaspoon of soda)

I cracked my head on the low doorways.

We also parked the van at Tesco’s and walked into Killarney

12th may . We all said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

Some stayed on for a few more days and the others made their way slowly camping at different sites to get over to the Ferry and back home remembering the wonderful time we all had had at the KENT MCC IRISH Rally.


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