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Ferry Prices!!!!!!!!!

Paul M

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Why the difference?


Have over the last couple of days been pricing ferry crossings from Plymouth to Roscoff return. Depart March return April 2008,


Four companies four difference prices:- Motorhome 7m ,2 people,


off the internet £425, Caravan Club £375, Brittany Ferries £355, Nutt Travel £282




Paul and Ann


Hapiness is no white bits! (lol)

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On a slightly different subject and ferry route I've decided to buy a carnet from Sea France for next year. It means buying a minimum of six tickets (3 returns) and the maximum I will pay is £64 return. I can give one to a friend so that increases the flexibility, on the subject of flexibility; there is no need to book after the first trip just turn up and go and that applies to the return also. It is cheaper if you buy ten or fourteen. I make a minimum of three trips every year and the carnet is valid for one year so I be silly not to. It gives the opportunity for co-operation between motorhome users to get the maximum benefit from this deal


Bill Ord

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Hi Bill - is the price you have quoted for any size motorhome or relevant to yours please? - we intend going via the tunnel as it's quicker and £48 each way for any sized "campervan" but if we could go (without booking) for £32 each way that could buy a few extra items (preferably the ones that clink and can make you fall over! (lol) )
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Sorry Bill - please forget posting above - I realised after I loaded it that I could call Sea France myself - having a lazy day :-S


I was really tempted by the £32 each way but when I spoke to them they said there could be a £25 each way supplement "on certain dates" and "at certain times" for motorhomes, but as they couldn't specify what was meant by "certain" we will stick with the tunnel methinks B-)

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Hi, Catinou


The actual dates when the supplements will apply are listed on the web site ? the only problem I can see is that further down on the same page its states "a supplement may apply for motorhomes on certain dates" which seems a bit confusing as does it mean the dates that are already set out or are there special dates for motorhomes ?



UPDATE:- I have just spoken to them and they state that if my booking is made using the motorhome as my vehicle e.g. the only vehicle i will use for these crossings ? then the only supplements are for the dates shown in the web page below, apparently if i did decide to use a car or visa/vesa they may make a supplemental charge ? I know its only a verbal statement and we all know they aren't worth the paper they are written on ? LoL. But the deal does seem very good as if we go this month and come back in January etc with the freedom tickets its over £100, so just another £90 for 2 more return trips seems good






Where did you get your Tunnel fares from as they seem very competertive are they part of the 10 trip deal ??






catinou - 2007-11-15 11:36 AM


Sorry Bill - please forget posting above - I realised after I loaded it that I could call Sea France myself - having a lazy day :-S


I was really tempted by the £32 each way but when I spoke to them they said there could be a £25 each way supplement "on certain dates" and "at certain times" for motorhomes, but as they couldn't specify what was meant by "certain" we will stick with the tunnel methinks B-)

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Hi Brian,


The lady I spoke to at Seafrance couldn't pinpoint the "certain dates" but said the fares quoted for the carnet are for cars, with up to 9 passengers, only. Too vague for my peace of mind!


The £48 each way using the tunnel is using the frequent traveller scheme. Prices are £39 for a car (including all passengers) plus £9 for a campervan, each way. (our MH is 25' 4" so we are pleased that size doesn't matter :-> )


As we tow a car on a trailer for our main holiday I enquired about the cost for that - it would be an extra £39 each way and you have to pay that, not use your pre-purchased tickets. £174 total return for our annual holiday is still cheaper than ferries for us as we like to travel at "reasonable times" - we can use this price ticket for: travelling to France after 2 pm and back before 2 pm - suits us perfectly as our preference is to go early evening and back about lunch time. That way we maximise our stay and still have time to return the trailer to the storage site before it shuts (at dusk).


The only extra cost would be if we wanted to travel at "peak times" - outside the times above and bank holidays I believe (an extra £20). As we love shopping in France we will certainly be going over more often (sans trailer) for the odd weekend etc. B-) Michele put us on to this one & we will certainly raise a glass (or two) every time we go via the tunnel :D

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Thanks for that info, I will probably go with Seafrance as we quiet enjoy having a meal etc. during the crossing, as for the car it did appear from the Seafrance web site that you would be able to use some of your trip allowance to cover a caravan? so i would have assumed the same would apply to a trailer/towedcar.


Thanks again





catinou - 2007-11-15 12:26 PM


Hi Brian,


The lady I spoke to at Seafrance couldn't pinpoint the "certain dates" but said the fares quoted for the carnet are for cars, with up to 9 passengers, only. Too vague for my peace of mind!


The £48 each way using the tunnel is using the frequent traveller scheme. Prices are £39 for a car (including all passengers) plus £9 for a campervan, each way. (our MH is 25' 4" so we are pleased that size doesn't matter :-> )


As we tow a car on a trailer for our main holiday I enquired about the cost for that - it would be an extra £39 each way and you have to pay that, not use your pre-purchased tickets. £174 total return for our annual holiday is still cheaper than ferries for us as we like to travel at "reasonable times" - we can use this price ticket for: travelling to France after 2 pm and back before 2 pm - suits us perfectly as our preference is to go early evening and back about lunch time. That way we maximise our stay and still have time to return the trailer to the storage site before it shuts (at dusk).


The only extra cost would be if we wanted to travel at "peak times" - outside the times above and bank holidays I believe (an extra £20). As we love shopping in France we will certainly be going over more often (sans trailer) for the odd weekend etc. B-) Michele put us on to this one & we will certainly raise a glass (or two) every time we go via the tunnel :D

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Had a look at it mark no suggestions as yet but I'm sure I could come up with something .


In the meantime i had a word with a very nice man at Euro tunnel who has put me in touch with Sales support and if I was to ask them for a group lot of bookings at a extra special price how many would be interested ???? obviously it would be tailored to suit your own needs in the sense of you travel as and when maybe we could do it in the name of the MMM forum.


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Guest Tracker
OAL Moderator - 2007-11-15 4:29 PM


Just for reference, you might find this page on the main site useful:




Any thoughts on how we could make it better for next year will be gratefully received.




Many of the experienced travellers might not find a lot of use for the article Mark, but maybe plenty of newcomers and first timers would?


That is not meant as criticism because it is a useful exercise.


On that basis perhaps you could give the epistle an annual updating and showing every spring in all of the magazines - maybe at differing months for each one?

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Paul M - 2007-11-14 9:11 PM




Why the difference?


Have over the last couple of days been pricing ferry crossings from Plymouth to Roscoff return. Depart March return April 2008,


Four companies four difference prices:- Motorhome 7m ,2 people,


off the internet £425, Caravan Club £375, Brittany Ferries £355, Nutt Travel £282




Paul and Ann


Hapiness is no white bits! (lol)


Why the difference? - It's down to something called "competition" Paul, without it all the prices would be £500.00



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Guest JudgeMental


Sea France looks tempting BUT if you always have to travel peak due to children its not really that cheap....


sticking with Eurotunnel :-D

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