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Hymer Van gas bottles


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I have finally made my decision and purchase (thanks to the help from this forum) and am due to pick up my new Hymer Van 522 next week. Is there anyone out there who has a 2007 model van and can tell me which gas bottles they use (or the dimensions of the gas locker). I want to purchase a bottle prior to picking up the van to enable me to use the gas appliances that evening and am uncertain of the locker size. Any other hints and tips for the new van would also be much appreciated. Many thanks
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Jasper - 2007-11-20 11:15 AM I have finally made my decision and purchase (thanks to the help from this forum) and am due to pick up my new Hymer Van 522 next week. Is there anyone out there who has a 2007 model van and can tell me which gas bottles they use (or the dimensions of the gas locker). I want to purchase a bottle prior to picking up the van to enable me to use the gas appliances that evening and am uncertain of the locker size. Any other hints and tips for the new van would also be much appreciated. Many thanks

Hi Jasper & welcome to the "Madhouse"

I'm not too sure of the dimensions of your particular gas locker. On our Hymer van, we can accommodate both a 7KG & a 13KG gas bottles. We use Propane - Orange bottles - as we camp all year round,and as this also has a lower freezing point than Butane - Blue gas bottles.

So dependent upon what your touring plans are, whether you want to use either Propane or Butane. Your choice really.

The only other tip is - "take it easy", as you could wind up buying all sorts of  useful things for your new van, only to find out at a later stage, that you've never used the item purchased.

Just enjoy

Anything else, then come back to the forum, and we'll all be happy to offer what knowledge we have. You'll also find a lot of useful info offered by a lot of experienced people on this site.

Best of luck & happy M/homing.


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I agree with Graeme, give the dealer a ring -

course if it's Brownhills ????????????????

failing a 'freebie' - they should have an accessory shop on site and can supply you with one - you just decide which colour goes best with the upholstery :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

[joke - honest *-) *-) *-) ] [suffering caffeine withdrawal :-> ]




ps - agree with Brian - take your time buying bits - you could end up with a lot of stuff you don't need / want - just ask Syd :-> :->

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Hi Jasper;


We have a 2006 Hymervan 522, I would think the locker size is the same as the 2007 model.


Internal dimension 66cm High x 34cm Deep x 65cm Wide


Reduce this by about 4cm all round for the door aperture.


We have 2 x 11kg gaslows in there with room to spare.



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You should be able to get two 13Kg cylinders in, but it will be tight.  The French think the Hymer Van will take two of their 13Kg bottles, but the Calor variety seem a little fatter and, due to the collar round the valve, are definately taller.  Your problem may be the position of the regulator, which may prevent a UK cylinder sitting upright beneath it.  One 13Kg should be OK, but check carefully before you commit to two.
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