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selling your motorhome


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If you are selling your motorhome don't be stupid like me mine was on MMM web site when a company called motorhelpuk rang me and said they had clients looking to buy motorhomes like mine would i like to register so they could put these potential buyers in touch, and i stupidly agreed i have not had one enquiry from this site and there advert on there web site is a complete waste of time so be warned don't be as stupid as me :'(
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Guest Tracker

Sorry to hear you were caught by this common con..


These parasites chase every vehicle for sale, even in local papers, and they can be hard to get rid of politely so all I do is just politely say ' Thank you for calling, I am not interested and I am now going to hang up the phone - please do not call me again - thank you'.


If they do ring back again and some do I just tell them that I will get the vehicle's owner for them - then lay the phone down close to the tv and leave it until the phone goes dead.


They don't usually ring again as time is money to them.

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I don't want to start any scare mongering, but I suggest you may need to act quickly.

There is a warning printed by MMM in the for sale ads each month, telling Sellers to be aware of these unsolicited approaches.

Please check & make sure they can not come back at you for further fees when the M/H is sold.

Another scam, usually only in the small print, may entitle the to fuher fees if it remains unsold after a specified period or a fee when it is actually sold.

If you find either of these statements, please inform Trading Standards.

Then notify "motorhelpuk" in writing, that your agreement is terminated with immediate effect and that you will not be responsible for any further fees they may impose or incurr.



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The simple answer to all such problems is to register with the Telephone Preference Service (www.tpsonline.org.uk). Give it three months or so until you are on the don't call lists and these calls do stop.


If, despite being on the TP Service (and there are a similar ones for mail and fax), you do get a call, then the caller is actually breaking the law by calling you. So simply take their details down (including their address - you have to have it to pay by cheque, after all), then annouce that you are registered with TPS and will be reporting them for breaking the law, and they don't generally call again. If you want to report them, simply call or email the TPS.


Mel E


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Sorry to hear about this story. I have once many years ago got caught out by similar annoying people. I was selling my Fiat UNO (thats a long time ago)when they cleverly caught me out, opening line is normally is your _______ still for sale? and then comes the speele. On the occasion that I was caught out, I refused to pay, after a bit of a battle including some heavy chaps trying to intimidate me in to paying. I would think also that if you have done this by telephone then the cooling off period will still apply, I would therefore ring and if you have paid quote that to them and demand a refund. I am sure someone will fill you in on that.
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