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Seat Belts??

Rod  Sue

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Hi we have just bought our first Motorhome, it is a Swift Kon-Tiki, When we viewed it at the dealers we noticed it had lap belts on the rear facing seats, and because we have two young lads thought it would be a good idea, so we could let them sit opposite each other and play games on the table when we go on long trips, but when we picked up our Motorhome we noticed that the lap belts had been removed so our Motorhome now only has 4 seatbelts in a six berth van, when we mentioned it to the dealer he said that because they never fitted them they cant sell the van to us with them in it, we have since read in the MMM magazine that in May 09 the new law will state that every passenger in the van will need to wear a seatbelt so can anyone give us advice on this matter and was the dealer right to remove these 2 lapbelts befor asking us first ???


Rod & Sue

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As I understand it the 'new belt regs' will only apply to newly registered m'homes. I would suggest that your children will be safe enough sitting 'unbelted' in a rear facing seat as the likelyhood of a R.T.A. in a m'home is slight. Our Autohomes 150 has the front seats belted but neither my wife nor I, nor indeed our children, have any qualms about our grandchildren travelling 'unbelted' on the rear lounge (L-shape).

However, as I say mostly you must do what you feel happy with.


Enjoy the travelling you will have as a family!


Regards Mike

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I was going to suggest doing a search remembering to reset time limit to one year, as this has been discussed before, but it seems search for one year isn't working at moment. You don't say age of 'lads' remember rules appling to children in cars also apply in motorhomes, so dependant on age then they may have to sit in belted seats, whilst adults use unbelted seats.

you might now get replies about safety of unbelted travel, a question such as yours usualy does.

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Welcome to the Forums.

The vehicle is not materially the same as when you viewed it so he should have comsulted you 1st. Having belts there when you viewed implies they are fitted and fit for purpose if he did not tell you otherwise. I think you will now find he has a legal obligation to fit belts or offer you a full refund.

The question you have to ask yourself is were the belts fitted properly and were they secure. You can rightly assume they were and the dealer must refit belts that meet safetly requirements at his expense or offer you a full refund. If you have a problem then give trading stanards a call, they are usually very helpful in these circumstances.


Were the belts actually factory fitted from new and part of the original spec. ?


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Being a 6 berth does not, unfortunately, mean that there are 6 travel seats as well. Lots of motorhomes out there can sleep more than can travel belted in.


The shouldn't have altered the van without consulting you first, you agreed to buy it 'as was', they cannot then 'tinker' with it ... how would you feel if they suddenly decided to remove an awning because they wanted to - not on, same with the seat belts. If they were unsafe they should've told you when you bought it, not after you've paid.

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Rod & Sue - 2007-11-23 11:37 PM


Hi the lads are 14 and 10 and the Motorhome is on a P plate, we assumed that because its a 6 birth it should have 6 belts fitted, we would like to know that their young friends are secure when they travel with us too !!!



The following link explains the law http://www.thinkroadsafety.gov.uk/advice/seatbelts.htm

It would appear that if the 10y.o. is below 1.35m then he should be using belted seat if it is availible with booster cuhsion and 14y.o. should be using other seat belt, if you are 6 up then it appears two people can travel unrestrained.

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