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New Spanish Aire - Nerja


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Bill Ord - 2007-11-28 6:20 PM


Yes it is pricey, it seems to be the Spanish way but at least we're getting some action. I've got lots of free camping places in the vicinity but it will be a welcome addition to service stops in the area.


Bill Ord


Considering just about all the Spanish aires are free, I wouldn't say it was the 'Spanish Way'.


This one, like the one in Peñiscola, is privately owned, hence the charge.

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Hi Derek,

What Spanish Aires are you referring to? One of the main differences between France and Spain from a motorhomers point of view has been the lack of municipal aires and private aires too. The Aire at Peniscola is a welcome addition to a very limited number of aires in Spain at least to my knowledge. I have a list with Sat. Nav. co-ordinates published in a supplement by Camping-Car Magazine earlier this year which has been very helpful. I've no wish to be confrontational as you reside in Spain you will have knowledge denied me but it will be a huge improvement from my point of view when and if the provision of simple stop overs is increased/improved. At the moment most of the camp-site I visit seem to be geared to long stay, giving generous discounts for this but if like myself you prefer to move every few days it can be expensive compared to France for instance. It would be helpful if we could exchange information either by PM or on this Forum, I may be able to scan my information and make it available either here or by e-mail.


Bill Ord

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The Spanish 'Áreas' network is in its infancy. However, more and more towns are being lobbied by organisations such as P.A.C.A. (Plataforma Autocaravanas Autómona). Also a senator in the government, Ana Chacón has been very active on behalf of Spanish Motorhomers.


As you can imagine, around the costas where the majority of Northern Europeans head for, you won't find many. Which is why the new Área at Nerja is welcome.


This generally seems to be the town councils being pressurised by local campsite owners who fear losing business.


Incidently the new Área in Nerja is owned by a local campsite.


However, away from the costas, in the Spain the majority don't visit there are more and more municiple Áreas.


On our recent tour of Galicia we stayed all nights in free municple Áreas.


The latest list can be found here:-







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I'm sure that as more Spanish business people see the enormous market there is for MH'ers who dont want to pay 15-20€ or more per night for facilities they don't want or need, but would rather not 'Wild Camp', the coastal Áreas will increase in numbers.



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