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£30 for a Camp site


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Hi David- surely the point you are missing is the fact that a motorcaravaner is giving their opinon on the site ,on how they found the facilities and its local attractions ect, with photos of the site and pitches and anything else they think may be of interest to people who have not been to it. Lets face it, any club site book is going to say wonderful things about their site, a visitor can state truthfully how they found it.
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There is [imo] much too much reliance on the club sites in these reports. The club sites are pretty much standardised anyway - even the loo blocks have near identical lay outs.


"Most motorhome owners belong to one club or the other or am I missing something." *-) *-)

and if you're not a member MMM is recruiting for the clubs - perhaps they get an introductory bonus for new members *-) *-)



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We have only once ever used a site which appeared as an MMM readers site, namely 'Sam-Nord' @ Saltzburg. Whilst the article is always read by us it is merely one person view and I prefer to judge on my own views which is why I have never 'put up' a site to MMM.

As a matter of interest we tend only to use the Caravan Club continental sites guide to locate us a site, some of which have been very good and others have 'left a good deal to be desired!'But if you do not like the site you can always go elsewhere!!

Regards Mike


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showz ow menny of you moaners actualy read MMM. it's bin forty pounds for a site for as long as i can remember.


dave got it right, if you wants to get other sites send them in and stop moanin


tis nearly chrismus and tis about time forum memebers cheerd up


our elddis is fired up this weekend and us is going to enjoy sum of the sites usve sin in MMM


must remind alice to fill up a flagon of cider



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I did - back in the days when it was £20, 3 never got published and 1 was done by someone else.

Lots of club sites though!!



of course, find a nice little site somewhere - advertise it - and you can't get in anymore. :-> >:-) >:-)

I've gone off recommending things - I now have to ring up at 7am to book into local Pilates class - what a killer - that'll teach me to tell people how good something is :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :->



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suit yerself twooks - once selfish always selfish fred says.


Us as no problem helping our fellow motorhomers, weather its recommending stopovers or stopping on the rioad to lend a hand. its attititude like twooks who gets everybody a bad name never minfd us vanners.


its a sad day when someone can stoop so low on this forum



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Grumpyman - 2007-11-28 9:37 PM


Why does MMM pay thirty pounds to readers for camp sites that are published in the two club site books. Surely the idea is to find sites not so well known . Most motorhome owners belong to one club or the other or am I missing something.


This comes up on other forums. A common view is often that MMM has poor content and editorial control. The £30 sites are the the 'safe' input from an often elderly and conservative section of the readership who's idea of adventure is using a CL without a hook-up.


So why not submit your own entries? Well personally I do not have the inclination. After all, if you spend £4 on a magazine, you do not expect to have to write part of it yourself.

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But if you did submit a site review you would get £40 back which would pay for most of your year's subscription to MMM as well as starting to redress the balance between club and non club site reviews. Perhaps its time to stop bitching about percieved problems and start doing something aboutr them. :-D



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twooks - 2007-11-29 4:32 PM

I've gone off recommending things - I now have to ring up at 7am to book into local Pilates class - what a killer - that'll teach me to tell people how good something is :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :->



So what kind of plane are you learning to fly then?



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I'm with you all the way here. If Livewire were right that the editorial content of MMM is generally regarded as so poor and lacking control, why is it consistently the number one motorhome magazine, despite the huge investment PM has put into trying to build circulation.


Incidentally, it may lack lots of things, but editorial control certainly isn't one of them, since the joint editors approve all the content.


Mel E


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I am a caravan man myself and stumbled across MMM a couple of years ago at xmas time when bored.


I have found the content admirable and covers some really interesting topics, great magazine and I'm really pleased that I found it when I did.


Just a shame about the forum though ha ha

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us agrees with sid. although me an alice pertakes in the forum and lets face it me ansums learns lots of stuff us cant wait to curl up in front of the stove with the real magazine. no matter which way us looks at it (upside down, inside out etc) it still is tops and us wont do without it.



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Guest Le Thou
fred grant - 2007-12-07 7:55 PM


us agrees with sid. although me an alice pertakes in the forum and lets face it me ansums learns lots of stuff us cant wait to curl up in front of the stove with the real magazine. no matter which way us looks at it (upside down, inside out etc) it still is tops and us wont do without it.





Slightly off topic Fred and Alice but I was born in Truro and lived at Perranporth till I was a late teen so what's with the daft spelling?? me bird??

So how long have you lived in Par and are you a true Corn??

Just curious

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Mel E - 2007-12-04 10:49 AM


Incidentally, it may lack lots of things, but editorial control certainly isn't one of them, since the joint editors approve all the content.


Mel E



That may or may not be so, but from personal experience when things are pointed out as in error (and they accept they are) they still refuse to do anything about it. Now that really is 'tight' control, not addmiting they are wrong!

Problem is it devalues ALL the other information in the mag as you cannot say for sure whether or not it is accurate.



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I like the MMM mag, no other comes close to the content, quality etc. However, I have noticed of late a number of spelling errors and 'additional' superflous words creeping into the articles. Takes me back to when I had a copy of another motorhome magazine where I simply couldn't read it for all the errors it contained, thankfully MMM is no where near this level and is still a great mag, long may it continue ... especially since it gives Clive summut to do, replying to query letters when George C lets him! :D
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Off topic, I suppose, but the motorhome reviews do seem to have gone a bit "glossy".  I've also been a bit surprised to see concurrent reviews of other vans in other mags by the same reviewers, and somehow they are always just the van the reviewer was dreaming of owning.  Seems odd when some are large A class vans, and others panel van conversions.  They can't all be a given writer's favourite thing, surely?

I've no problem with finding the virtues of each van, and there would be no point in dissing a particular van because it was large, or small.  However, there is something just that bit too breathlessly in awe of each and every one, spangled with a bit too much macho motoring journalese such as "grunt", for my preferences.  It's all a bit too formulaic: not the approach, but the actual commentary.  A bit too much of a get this one off, then on with the next.

Somehow, objectivity seems to have taken a back seat behind a welter of subjectivity.  And why, oh why, do they spend so much time describing in words the furnishings and their colour, when the articles are supported by colour photographs that tell the story so much better?  It would be more helpful and reassuring much of the time if they'd actually say if alternatives were available, but no.

It seems a number of the reviewers are more motorhome journalists, than motorhomers who also write.  They don't seem really to have analysed the vehicles, or to think themselves into the place of those who might use them, or how.  There seems little recognition of the fact that a small panel van conversion is likely to be used in a completely different way to a 7+ metre A class van.  Little readiness to look at one as predominantly a weekends and annual hols van, with the other more likely to become someone's home for several months on end and needing a substantial payload in consequence.  Not all, mind, and no names.

I know they can only provide a brief snapshot of what is offered, but I do sometimes wonder how much actual travelling they really do themselves.  Trouble is, of necessity they're all still working, and this is how they earn their crust.  What we seem to need is a few reviewers, or maybe editors, who do/have done the longer term trips, can judge from that standpoint, and inject that bit of extra insight. 

Or have I just read too many?

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