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Whis is head of Dometic UK?


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Ralph - 2007-11-29 2:04 PM As described in another thread http://forums.outandaboutlive.co.uk/forums/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=8032&posts=25 I'm having a lot of trouble with Dometic. As they seem to be ignoring me and not returning my calls I thought I might as well be ignored from the top so I want to write to the top man. Can anyone advise please?

Hi Ralph, Take your pick of this lot -


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Err, thanks but which one is head of Dometic UK?


I realise that writing to the MD never actually gets read by the MD but it might produce more results than trying to contact the minions.


I have spoken to customer service ( that's a joke title if ever there was one! ) who always promise that someone will call but no-one ever does. Letters and phone calls just get ignored.


And to top it all I find out, from this forum, and not from Dometic or my dealer, that there is a safety recall on my fridge and nobody has told me. If I ever have a chance to specify what equipment I have in my next van I would never choose Dometic. Their equipment is not of servicable quality ( I don't think a bill of > £300 in under 2 years is acceptable) and they refuse to talk to customers. As you might have noticed I'm just a bit miffed with them >:-(



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Clive - 2007-11-30 10:13 AM


Mark the envelope "Private and Confidencial" Hand write the envelope, draw a little pink heart on the side with a couple of kisses and sprinkle on some Channel No 5.


If the MD doesn,t get it its sure his wife will!





Don't like the sound of Channel No.5

Sounds like seawater.



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Dometic Ltd 99 Oakley Rd, , Luton LU4 9GE

Finance Director is Paul Lee


BUT if you have a problem goto the top. Sweden.


Anders Almqvist. Executive Vice President of Technology and Production (CTO)



or better still

Lars Johansson(born 1948)President and Chief Executive Officer.Employed since 1972 is the top man of the company. Phone +46-141-23 81 00





Let this forum know how you get on.





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Thanks Clive. I'll certainly report back. I think it's very important to do so as I've obviously slagged them off so I need to either report that they have sorted it out (fingers crossed :-S ) or that I was right about them >:-(


Only trouble is, that they seem to be so slow to respond that I might be gone for some time ...




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  • 2 weeks later...
Clive - 2007-11-30 5:42 PM


Let this forum know how you get on.



Thanks Clive.


I tried again to talk to Dometic in Luton and once again I was promised a call back that never happened. So I rang them again and asked for the details of the UK MD.


I was given details of a Sophie Dixon who, I was told, was the head in Luton.

So I e-mailed her but CC'd the mail to both the names you gave in Sweden.


24 hours later I had a phone call from the guy who had been ignoring me with profuse apologies and doubling the original compensation offer.

The following day an engineer came to my house to do the recall work. (I had only complained about this as a "by the way" really.)


Today I had a written apology from as well!


It leaves a rather bad taste in the mouth that I had to go to this sort of length to get the sort of response that a customer is entitled to expect anyway and, if I had a choice, I would never touch another Dometic product in a future van.



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However, it seems that what you were really suffering from was a recalcitrant member of Dometic's staff, rather than any constructive attempt at responsibility ducking by the company.

It seems the member of staff received the proverbial prod with a sharp stick from on high so, although Dometic is responsible for who it employs, and for how they perform, once the right people knew what had happened they acted correctly and speedily.

I therefore think you are being a little unfair in seeking to avoid Dometic products in future on the basis of this matter.  However, to you no doubt considerable irritation, I doubt it will make that much difference in practice, since the fridges etc (think also Seitz blinds and windows, Heki rooflights, Cramer ovens and hobs) all come as part of the package with the motorhome you order. 

They may not be perfect, by which I don't wish to appear to condone poor service; but still, on the basis it seems to have been a cock-up, rather than an example of company policy, they did at least sort it out with verbal and written apologies, as well as the disputed payment.

I don't think I'd like to have been your correspondent at Dometic over the past few days!

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Brian Kirby - 2007-12-11 8:42 PM


I don't think I'd like to have been your correspondent at Dometic over the past few days!




As usual Brian you are quite right.


Although I do feel that the company is not very "customer service" oriented.

True, the individual (who is, by the way, the UK Senior Technical Manager so not by any means a "menial") did upset me but it shouldn't have come to this stage. When he was out of the country his mail was not, apparently dealt with.

Customer service (according to him) failed to pass on my messages, when I tried to telephone their system routed me to the answering machine of someone (?) who failed to pass on any messages and on another occasion I went into a black hole when on hold. He also blamed the "confusion" on a breakdown of communication within Dometic.


Standing back and looking at it calmly I would have to say that the people at Luton could do with a good session on a customer care course.


By the way, thanks for your advice on this as well Brian. I know I've ranted on a bit here but I did keep cool (and I believe polite) when dealing with them and it's best left behind me now




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