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Tesco Vouchers - no messing please!

Mel B

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Alright, I need an answer and I need it to be sensible pleeeeeeeaasssee!!


No speculation, just pure hard fact. Okay - right here goes ...


Tesco Vouchers - I have kindly been offered someone's vouchers who can no longer use them for 'travel' (obviously I would not see them out of pocket for this very kind gesture).


The questions I am trying to get a definitive answer to is: when you exchange the normal Tesco Vouchers for Eurotunnel vouchers, do the Eurotunnel vouchers have anything on them to identify you, ie your name etc?


It's no good ringing Tesco 'cause the party line, from what I can gather is "nope, you can't do it" ... but they would say that wouldn't they!


Some people say they have your name on, others say they haven't. I need hard uncontrovertable fact.


Does anyone out there know!!!! Pleeeeaaaaasssseeeeeeeee!!!!



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The actual clubcard vouchers will have your name on them.


The travel vouchers from Euro Tunnel do not, I am sat here with £40 worth and it does not have my name or number on them. I only received them 2 weeks ago so I don't think they will have changed the system since then.


The reason they deny it is because of Ebay and all the buying and selling of the vouchers on there, they are in negotiations with Ebay to try and get it stopped, so the gentleman on the tunnel booking office told me, this was 6 months ago so obviously more difficult than they thought, or Ebay don't want to loose the amount of fees they must get through allowing it.


Hope this helps


Mandy :-D

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I have some hotel vouchers, obtained two days ago and they have my name on.


I don't see any difference between trading an actual tunnel ticket on E-Bay and vouchers so don't really see why they would want to stop it . However I can see snags if Euro tunnel are able to check name and address discrepencies of the applicant and the voucher holder and if you are only using them for part payment. In the later case your credit card details won't match the name on the vouchers?



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Thank you to everyone who's contributed to this posting. I was just being given so much conflicting info that I didn't know which way to turn.


I've just got off the phone to a very nice lady at Tesco. I put the question to her thus:


I asked her if I changed my Tesco vouchers for Eurotunnel deals, so I could give them to someone as a Christmas present, whether or not they would then be able to use them. She said EUROTUNNEL deals definitely DO NOT have a name on them, I double checked again she said that if they had a different name to me there would not be a problem as there is nothing on them to identify me at all, no clubcard ID, no name, nothing!!


As Brian, has also shown above, this is definitely the case. I'm absolutely ecstatic!!!!!!




Mel B


(lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)

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