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I read somewhere that the centre of a towball must not be more than 1200mm from the centre of the rear axle. At least, I THINK thats what it said. Can anyone comment?


I've just bought a LDV box van, and the rear hamper is very close to that distance. When it stops raining, I'll go and measure it.



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As far as I'm aware there is no rule governing the maximum distance a tow-ball may be from a vehicle's rear axle, but there are regulations limiting the length of a vehicle's rear overhang (ie. the distance from the rear axle's centre-line to the extreme rear of the vehicle). Traditionally (and speaking simply), overhang could not exceed 60% of the vehicle's wheelbase, though compliance with more recent alternative rules can result in an overhang (on motorhomes) nearing 70% of wheelbase.


If tow-ball to axle distance were restricted to 1200mm, then hardly any coachbuilt motorhomes could legally tow. Look through MMM's older Live-in Test Reports (that provided the rear overhang length) and you'll be very lucky to find an overhang below 1200mm (and that excludes the extra distance from the axle that a tow-ball adds, of course). Indeed some motorhomes' rear overhang can be over twice 1.2m.


Suggest you identify where you read about the 1200mm limit and check exactly what was said.

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Many thanks for replies. I'm pretty sure that I rad the "advice" in a camper glossy magazine, probably inside the last year-ish. With luck, I will still have the magazine but its going to be a pain looking for one sentencein all those magazines.


At the time I couldn't really make sense of what I was reading, hence my question.


I once towed a 12ft Sprite Alpine behind a 1965 Sunbeam Alpine two seater....short wheelbase and longish tail. I overtook a long stream of HGVs going up a hill.....and they all passed me on the inside going down the other side. Frightening!



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