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Caravan Channel


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Unfortunately I have to agree with Way2Go about this prog, its a shame that only £2.50 has been spent on each edition. Its a well meaning effort by a sincere presenter but as he is also holding the camera and mike its hard work watching it. Hopefully if they get some advertisers they might be able to employ some one to help.
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Its been around for some time,if you think its bad now it was dire at first. Production values are cheap for instance when mentioning a feature no cutaway shot to it and when interviewing you can hear the interviewee clearly but the questioner sounds miles away-only one mike.

The presenter reads from idiot boards and you can tell................that when the pause comes............that is when the cards are being......changed.

The girl who reads the news has a very strident voice but is marginally better at least you.....can hear ......her. The website is ok.

Marks for effort though.

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fred as watched it from the beginnin (ok ill admit im a bit od a anorak my biddies) in the hope it mite get better (din the conservativ party sing that or was it laber). anyhow, it aint and probably wont without sum investmant. BUT did you see MMM on it the other week. sumthing to do with unsafe seatbelts in coahbuilt vans. now where you sittin on the next trip alice. at least they were saying something serious which is about the only sensible thing ive seen on it.



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