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Unhelpful Silver Screens company/helpful Taylormade


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We bought Silver Screens a year or so ago and were delighted with the screens and the service. Has this company changed hands cos recent experience wasn't so hot? We had to have our windscreen replaced and unfortunately the fitters managed to get some black gunge into the channel for fitting the screen. this went unnoticed by us until it transferred onto the screen edging which has now torn. Phoned Silver Screens to purchase replacement edging/binding as our local upholsterer can stitch it which obviously saves us postage and time. Silver Screens won't supply it unless we can prove we bought the screens from them! The guy said "I'm damned if I'm going to help out the competition"! Can't understand his logic and of course I can't find the receipt anyway. I'm also loathe to give my business to a company which clearly doesn't belive in good customer service so phoned Taylormade who agreed to send the required binding the next day. Well done them
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Well all I can say is we just bought from them we had a first class service .

I mentioned to them that they had been recommended from this forum they were most pleased.

As for not helping you out I think that wasn't very kind and I think that maybe they should of atleast keep a receipt record of who they sell to .

That way they could of looked you up very easily and seen that you were not lying . Not a kind thing to do and to be honest they wouldnt be helping the competition they would of been helping a fellow human being in need. Silly really.

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had problems with both company's .sceens did not fit properly and both said send them back and we will refund postage.thats not the point when you are making sceens all the time for these common shape vans i said .but what can you do.send them back and yes get them alerted not a new one.silversceen tend to slag of taylormade.both work from home . 
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As I've said before on this forum, my experience is the exact reverse - we waited from the Malvern Show right through to Peterboro' the following year for Taylors to deliver. All they delivered was a long string of excuses - out of material, sewing machine broke - and so on. This to replace screens that did not fit.


We gave up and went to Silver Screens who delivered a perfect fit within 10 days, even bothering to check whether we had internal screens as that affected the design of theirs. Superb service.


Mel E


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Me too, I found Silver screens had a real problem with Taylor Made. I was always taught in my sales experience, never, never slag off the competition, its very unprofessional so when this happened to me I went to taylor made, fantastic product, fitted perfectly, delivered in 3 days and half the price of SS.
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Guest Le Thou
On the basis of this post I have today ordered my new screen from Taylor Made. The lady was most helpful extremely chatty and very polite so heres hoping
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Speaking purely from personal experience I've had good service from both of them. We bought a screen for our Freight Rover from Silver Screens, good price, good fit, no bother. We also bought a screen for our current 'van (Talbot Express based) from Taylormade and its equally as good as were they.



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Must admit I wouldn't buy from Silver Screens purely because I heard them rubbishing Taylormade at a Peterboro show so it seems from previous posters that this may be their sales ploy. I've always believed that if a company has to rubbish the opposition to sell it's goods then they have nothing to sell on their own merit. By all means discuss and point out the various merits and benefits but sensibly.

I also have not bought from Talormade either but they would be my first port of call if we need any more, ours came from CAK.



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Received the edging from Taylormade on Wednesday (£7.50 plus postage)and getting it sewn on today. Like others I had been more than happy with Silver Screens until now and as Mel says it wasn't to help the competition, it was to help a fellow human bean. Will need the screens now as it's turned quite cole up here.

Cheers ike

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Why don't you telephone them, mine arrived within a couple of days and have been perfect for the last 2 years, Taylormade everytime.


Telephone & Facsimile

+44 1484 661918


Postal Address

E & A Taylor

Intake House

Marlbeck Close

Stoney Lane


Holmfirth HD9 6DR

West Yorkshire






whisturx - 2007-12-11 7:40 PM


Try emailing Taylormade ! Still no reply for a quote in mid October 07 !


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Are you sure they got the email? I get calls at work sometime asking if I've received an email and it hasn't always come through and is wandering around in the ether somewhere never to be delivered. Even if they had got it, it could simply be that they'd accidentally deleted it - it's not hard to do!!!


Either try again or ring them. They are nice people and and find it hard to believe that they'd ignore you.

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We bought from them with no problem, ordered by phone and delivered nextday, I bought from them because the Guy at Silverscreens done nothing but bad mouth the opposition, but offered no reason why his product is so superior, also their pricing for the similar product was a lot more competitive. Given the number of happy customers that both companies have Taylormade are doing a reasonable job.


Emails don't always get through due to a variety of reasons, especially with smaller companies who may not have the IT structure to sift out all the crap that they receive, unfortunately some good emails are effected because of this.


If I had phoned and had no response then I would have reconsidered my purchase decision.




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