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electric hook up


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Castorama in France are stocking made up leads with a moulded french plug one end and a very nice solid splash proof blue trailing socket the other end on a lead about 250mm long you will find them in the electrical accessories section I was so impressed I bought one! cost 20.95euros about £14.00. I am of the opinion that this is more splash proof than the french sockets you will find on sites as the ones I have come across are the normal domestic type not the exterior sockets with covers.

Most of the sites I have used have the new blue sockets with exception to the sites on the french/spanish border and andorra. I always check the socket before I connect up to check that the earth is connected correctly, (some are not) and also the polarity, although as clive rightly says providing your camper has an RCD fitted this is not crucial.

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Hello Patrick,

My background is diverse and includes high current DC control systems. I have the odd patent on this subject.

OK, the RCD will have a TEST button. Press it it regularly to make sure it operates correctly. For peace of mind you can get the earth continuity from the far end of your hookup lead to the motorhome chassis / van earth wiring checked for continuity with a multimeter either yourself or by a professional.

The greatest risk dare I suggest will be the lack of earth continuity at the hookup on some sites. It is this scenario where in combination with a fault in your van that you personally become the connection between real earth and the van as you step out you will be passing the fault current for the time it takes your RCD to switch off.


Testing the continuity of the site earth hookup requires having another earth to compare it to. In Europe you cannot automatically assume that neutral at the substation is bonded to earth either.



Putting in your own earth spike cannot do any harm providing you only connect it to your chassis. How many would bother?

Life carries risks.

We each have to make our own judgement and take reasonable precautions.




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Thanks Clive


That's pretty much what I thought, but I haven't had much hands on for quite a while.


I think my main concern was the odd small site where the electrics have been installed by the plumber. My earth lead is fine all the way through and everything is earthed to the chassis - and as I drive a Land Rover I mean 'chassis'. I have a suitable external socket that is attached to the chassis with 315/0.40 cable. It would be simple enough to fit a wire from that to a spike. Not something I'm going to bang in on any reasonable site, but there are the odd ocassions when I will feel happier if it's there.


Thanks for that



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I read in one of the forums that using a n earth spike whilst connected to the site earth could mean that you caravan/motorhome is the main path to earth for many of those on site.


Is this a serious comment and, if so, is it wise to use a spike whilst connected to the site earth?



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It is an accurate comment under certain fault conditions. If the main earth connection at the incomming supply was faulty, then an earth fault elsewhere would look for the easiest return path, which may be through your earth spike.


I am no expert on caravan site electrical installation other than to say they should be tested annually by a competent person.


Providing a supply to outbuildings, which a motorhome is, has numerous complications, which again I am not competent to advise on. Does provide much debate on electricians forums.


I have yet to see an individual earth spike at a MH



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That is potentially true. Perhaps you can now see just how important it is that the supplied earth be good.


But if your individual hookup has no earth then an earth spike of your own should be OK? However if several hookup points are all connected together but not to earth then any spike you connect will serve all on the group.

Depending on the fault scenario it can be either can be a good or a bad idea.


If you are going to connect an earth spike then its best its a good one in deep in wet soil with stout cable.



Examples of this are the hunky generators used to serve the trade stands at the Warners shows.




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