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Walking in Spain & Portugal

starvin marvin

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We're off through France to Spain next week for Christmas & New Year before going onto Portugal.


Any advice on the availability of walking maps? I've looked at a few UK web sites without much luck and those I have seen all seem pretty expensive.


We're generally thinking Nat Parks in Portugal. In Spain it will be the Costa Blanca to start with before Andalusia/Las Alpujarras, to walk off the stodge before Granada, Sevilla and the Algrave before we turn North.


Anyone aware if the Tourist offices stock maps of a usable scale and any comment or recommendation on sites/aires in or near to the main National Parks in Portugal.



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Hi Tony When you get to the cost Blanca I would suggest that you try to pick up one of the English papers there, as there are sections for Club Acttivites And you can find Clubs like the Costa walkers , who i believe will give you any help you need. For the best walk in the whole of Spain I would suggest that you look up the web site for the Camino de Santiago. I walked it about 6 years ago and it was outstanding

\pete Daniel

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There are atleast a couple of books called Costa Blanca Walking Guides by Rother (try www.abdet.com/maps). Maps are also available at a lot of specialist climbing shops in the UK. When I was in Spain last I did a lot of walking in the Picos de Europe (fantastic) and the Pyrenees (brilliant) and managed to pick up some maps locally - although some were only available in Spanish.

Be aware that Spanish maps are renowned for being innacurate. So take extra care when walking. Due to the magnetic nature of some of the mountains a compass doesn't always give an accurate reading. You should be okay in the national parks but some of the walks we went on we didn't see anyone for a couple of days so make sure you are well prepared before setting off.

The scenery is fantastic hope you have a great time.


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Hi starvin marvin


Yes the availability and quality of walking maps for Spain leaves much to be desired. I think this is partly because, apart from a few 'honeypot' locations like the Ordessa Gorge, there just aren't the big numbers of hill-walkers that visit our areas like the Peak District and the Lakes. Areas that I have visited appear to have had a good network of mule tracks linking valleys and remote villages in the past but no-one is using them now.


As regards sources in the UK, have you tried The Map Shop at Upton on Severn? I have found them to have the most comprehensive catalogue and you can look at it online at www.themapshop.co.uk . They are very helpful and efficient; I usually receive stuff ordered by phone the following day.


I note that Costa Blanca has been mentioned. Cicerone Press publish two excellent guides in english:" Costa Blanca Mountain Walks Vol 1-West and Vol 2-East", written by Bob Stansfield. I note they are both in the Map Shop catalogue. Also for this area you will see "Landscapes of Costa Blanca" listed. This is published by Sunflower books who produce a good range of walking guides similar to the Rother ones mentioned by someone else. Look at www.sunflowerbooks.co.uk.


If you are going to/from Portugal via Costa Blanca then you will be passing near to or through Andalucia. Worth visiting the remote Alpujara valleys and hill villages on the southern flanks of the Sierra Nevada. This was this was the last retreat of the Moors.


Finally I would echo the good advice given by Jasper, except that I would suggest leaving the Picos and the Pyrenees till say late summer/early autumn - longer daylight hours and no snow. We visited Picos in mid May and all higher routes were still snowbound.


Enjoy your trip



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