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le portel


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We've stopped at Le Portel a couple of times. It's OK but as it's next to the stadium it can be noisy till late, also the traffic starts early so you get hit both ends. It's OK if needs must and we've used it as a stop on the way home so we could shop in Cite de la Europe in the morning and get a middayish ferry. There are better Aries at Cap Gris Nez and my preferred one is at Le Touquet, your choice really.


Bill Ord

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thanks for that. we plan to stop the first night at le touqet and the second night on the quay at boulogne next to nausica but as there is a festival in boulogne on the saturday we do not know if we will be allowed on the friday night and i was looking for a back up plan if needs be as we want to stop in boulogne

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As has been said the aire itself is a bit noisy but you can park in the carpark just up the road near lighthouse with no problems, it's much quieter there. Can't really help with restaurants etc but its in a built up area so there's probably something within staggering distance.



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I have stopped at Le Portel a few times - the last time two weeks ago - and not found it too noisy The first time i stopped there I had a good look around for any restaurants open in the evening, but drew a blank. If you find one, let us know. I have on occaisions found the aire taken over by the travelling fair, which is sighted on the area opposite the aire. This might just be a problem approaching Christmas.



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Just be careful which 'Le Portel' you head for. There is a village just outside Bol. Sur Mer called Le Portel, do NOT head for this! The Le Portel you want is just on the opposite side of the water, when you get over the water you need to go right and past the entrances for the ferry.
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