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CC Meltdown

Guest Le Thou

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Guest Le Thou

Dec 5th has been and gone with the opening of the sites to book for the 2008 season and as per usual the phone lines and website went into meltdown.

We did eventualy manage to book two Bank Holiday weekends but the remainder are full, it's always a bone of contention and you can always assume that people are just booking sites without the intenton of showing but I am sure that this in most instances is not the case, however my point is simply that I think it's time the CC started taking a non returnable deposit with all bookings.

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I agree, can't understand why they don't take a deposit. If you phone 'full' sites near to the dates you require you might well find they can fit you in because of cancellations. If members paid a deposit which they lost for not cancelling a booking the situation might improve. I wonder what the figures are for members booking and not turning up?
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I spent just over four and a half hours on Friday last and countless phone calls before finding a slot for 28th-30th December at a site much bigger than I would usually use and for which I had to pay in full, in advance. Even on less popular holiday dates I am finding it very difficult to get into CLs/CSs in the South yet, if the weather turns out to be poor we are often the only van on site, or one of just two. The number of no shows must drive the site owners nuts.



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If members don't show up or cancel in good time, maybe the CC should cancel any other bookings they might have and not allow the member to re-book any sites until they have paid for the one they didn't show up at.


I still think a deposit on booking is the best way though because I think it would deter people booking lots of dates throughout the year that they probably won't use.



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No don't agree with paying a deposit, it's not neccessary. However it must be obvious who the offenders are so tackle the problem, THEM, and withdraw their membership. There are to many p@@s takers in this country these days in all walks of life and due to the PC brigade and limp wristed authorities they seem to get away with it.



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Basil - 2007-12-10 10:25 AM


No don't agree with paying a deposit, it's not neccessary. However it must be obvious who the offenders are so tackle the problem, THEM, and withdraw their membership. There are to many p@@s takers in this country these days in all walks of life and due to the PC brigade and limp wristed authorities they seem to get away with it.




Tackling the offenders directly as suggested by Basil is not the answer (in my opinion). What is to stop me booking all the B/holidays and then cancelling them a couple of days before the date in question. I feel that having to pay a deposit would go some way to alleviate this problem together with cutting the no-shows. It would be interesting to compare stats from the CC and the CCC as you have to pay a deposit for the CCC!

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This has always been a problem. I feel the only way to go is to record the 'no shows' and after 2 or more then their membership should be suspended. It can't be that difficult to ask the wardens to add it the members details on line.

I really don't think that the deposit idea will work. It will inconvenience the majority just to sort out the minority.

Just imagine the arguments with the sort of people who do not obey the rules and are 'no shows'. They obviously don't consider their fellow members.

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machra - 2007-12-10 12:20 PM


Basil - 2007-12-10 10:25 AM




What is to stop me booking all the B/holidays and then cancelling them a couple of days before the date in question.


As I already said that would quite clearly show those that were doing this on a regular basis and then they could have their membership revoked, simple really.


Why should those of us that do things correctly have to suffer for those that don't?



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Basil - 2007-12-10 2:32 PM


machra - 2007-12-10 12:20 PM


Basil - 2007-12-10 10:25 AM




What is to stop me booking all the B/holidays and then cancelling them a couple of days before the date in question.


As I already said that would quite clearly show those that were doing this on a regular basis and then they could have their membership revoked, simple really.


Why should those of us that do things correctly have to suffer for those that don't?




Publication of said names in the magazine would give some entertainment to other members!

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But if some people have to cancel because of last minute problems such as family or health then why should they be penalised by having their membership taken from them? Also what if you book somewhere and the weather becomes too bad to turn out what then? Should someone have to go out in their van in the floods or gales just because they have booked a pitch?


By all means pay a deposit and if you have to cancel you give your easons to the CC and they decide whether you get it back or not.

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I do not have a problem with the CC booking fiasco because I too am not a member and after reading the posts regarding the CC there is no way I would become a member perhaps if more people voted with their feet things might change once the membership revenue started to subside
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Tomo3090 - 2007-12-10 6:33 PM But if some people have to cancel because of last minute problems such as family or health then why should they be penalised by having their membership taken from them? Also what if you book somewhere and the weather becomes too bad to turn out what then? Should someone have to go out in their van in the floods or gales just because they have booked a pitch? By all means pay a deposit and if you have to cancel you give your easons to the CC and they decide whether you get it back or not.

Don't think anyone is complaining about cancellations. It is the ones who don't cancel who should be reported and acted against.

It is often better to ring before you go to a site as there usually is space. My complaint is the ever increasing cost due to ever increasing facilities which I do not want or use.

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I dont like the on-line booking system anyway, it takes away the benefit of being a motorhomer, which is the freedonm to roam. But it saves the wardens a lot of work. I dont think deposits help they just cause more paperwork. The real problem are the people who book and dont show and dont even have the decency to cancel. The CC should penalise these people hard, charge them the full cost of the booking if it cant be relet. If they dont or wont pay or do it again expel them.
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J9withdogs - 2007-12-10 8:21 PM


Does anyone actually have the facts and figures to support the posts on this thread?


Just interested to know if there is an actual problem or just a perceived one.


I am a CC member and more than happy with the service I receive.


I would also be interested in the *actual* figures, the wardens that I have spoken to about this in the past have said it's not as big a problem as being made out, infact some say the biggest problem they have it the CC head office overbooking them in the winter when the grass pitches are closed.


We logged onto the CC site around 11:30am on the 5th, a couple of clicks and we were in and booked our Easter destination, tried again around 12:30 and managed to book May Bank Holiday, Whitsun, and two touring trips for middle of may and end of August.


To be honest we have never had much of a problem booking sites apart from short notice at popular sites like Ferry Meadows, and for the number of members to number of pitches ratio, would have thought there would been more of a problem with the main sites.


If we want to be more spur of the moment we then tend to end up using CL's as they are easier to get onto short notice most of the time.


Some members (my father included) think they can either phone on a Friday afternnon or turn up at the weekend at one of the popular sites and just get a pitch. :-S

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