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Who use's a generator.


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Its only me we have the Honda Genny great bit of power cant travel without it really you just never know .

I dont know what we have but it cost £1000 EU ??? escapes me its quiet purrs quietly BUT we only ever use when needs must ..Ie the kids or something (Disabled) i never upset anyone I stay away from them I never have considered putting it on at a campsite or late at night so I show a little respect to my neighbours that way I can expect it back .


But good bit of equiptment if you get stuck with the weather ...

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Guest JudgeMental

all generators are reasonably heavy, and you have to carry fuel.....


have you twin leisure batteries?


are you staying on sites with electricity or Aires?


you have a large generator all ready, the vehicle engine.


a 20-30 min run of engine will recover flat batteries.



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I use a generator most weekends as I go to vintage cars shows and most people have them, I generaly only use it when required to avaoid disturbing those around. There are the few who run them most of the day but very much in the minority, most users do think of others but again some could not care less. The reason I got mine was to keep the wifes wheelchair charged.
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panagah - 2007-12-11 9:35 PM


I have been offfered a Gennie for my upcoming ski trip. Never really thought of one before, does anyone use one? does it cause ruptions with your neighbours? and are they very heavy?


Try running it before collecting it and see how noisy it is.

If you only want it for occasional daytime use and it's use is a freebie and it is not too heavy and you have safe storage space for it and its fuel you have nowt to lose by giving it a try.

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Hiya, I have a honda EU20i which I had converted to propane,so we dont need to carry petrol,run it from a purpose installed gas outlet. I use it to top up the batteries when were wild camping for any length of time,I have used it on sites, but tend to use it during the day so as not to offend anyones tranquility,its not noisey at all and if you place it behind your M/H that should deaden any noise, worth investing in, your completely independent with one.
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We have one in our Winnebago Rialta - it's fairly common in N.Am. RVs.

We don't use it much, mainly out of respect for other motorhomers.


About the only time we do use it is when we need to go into a store or attraction where our dog is not allowed. Depending on the weather, we'll park in a distant corner of the lot near the road, and use the genny to run the rooftop a/c for the dog (again, rooftop a/cs are very common in N.Am. RVs).


We do think they are too noisy for polite considerate use in most situations, but are glad we have it when we need it.

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We've got one but only use it once a year!

Like Christmas and New Year, days and days on end without electric, and 12 hungry lights, pump and space heater, not forgetting the tv!

It's heavy - and I can't lift or start the damn thing! not got enough 'pull'.


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Hi Well we do and I must say I'm mighty glad I do for skiing anyway. If you are going on the Aires at the skiing resorts unless you are very lucky and get electric (Montegenevre) then you are in for a tough time. Remember that it gets dark at 5 oclock and doesn't get light untill 8 in the morning. I defy any battery to keep you going for much more than two days even the blown air heating requires some electrical power all through the night and solar panels are worth sweet FA for the two or three hours that you will get positive sunshine. We have a honda 1Kw petrol gennie

and use it all the time from about 4pm untill about 10-30. At altitude thats about a tank full. Is it anti-social? well no as every Tom, Dick and henri will have them on as well. Ours is quite small compared with some of the French 3 Kw jobbies. Everyone tends to switch them off at about 10 -30 and every one goes to kip when the French version of I want to be a millionaire finishes ( its on all night!). Finally it is hard enough to get a spot in the arie in the first place so you don't want to be leaving your space just to get your battery toped up. Never mind what the Mr glums say take your generator and enjoy your holiday.



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We use our Kipoor 3000 for the 2Kw fan heater to get the van warmed up quickly and for the electric oven in our Rapido 710f. Bit heavy but better than freezing.
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No not quite, but remember the weekends are likely to be the busiest on the Aires. It is best to get in on the friday or monday when even the French have to go to work even for the short time that they appear to do and most skiing aires are up some very squiggley roads. Not something that you want to be doing every day. Come to think about it, the shops don't open until apres midi in france so they might still be around for a final flourish on monday morning!!!!!



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You take it you never know when you might need it .

Just enjoy yourselfs and dont worry about anyone .

I wish some people would afford me the curtiousy I afforded them .

Not in this life time people like that are few and far between you just look after number one all the french will have em let someone else worry about your carbon footprint for the week :D

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