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My son had the same problem (24year old) and was put on to a subsidery of one of the well known insurers when he phoned for a quote as they don't insure under 25's, either Safeguard or Comfort I believe can't remember which I'll confirm when I speak to him, and his quote was half the price of any others he had at around the £400 mark. They said that next year when he is 25 they will switch him to a cheaper premium with the normal camper/ motorhome insurance. He tried A Flux and they were quoting £895.

So I would try phoning the big motorhome insurers and ask if they can put you in touch with a subsidery insurer that will insure under 25's.


Incidently he was quoted nearly half the price of the quote he accepted by Direct Line (£240) as his vehicle is registered as an MPV on the V5c but he did not want to risk it not being covered fully, he did notify them that it had been proffesionally converted to a camper at the time of first registration but they said that as it was on the DVLA database as an modified MPV it would be ok, however he was not happy with that so went for the dearer insurance that recognised the make of the conversion.

Sorry to ramble on.



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A premium of £1500 for a van worth £800 sounds bad, but what you are actually paying for is the potential to do half a million quids worth of injury to another road user.


So tell me, what premium would you charge your best mate to indemnify him against an unlimited claim. Then tell me how the insurance companies can give you cover so cheaply?


And yes, I am on your side. My first premium was £8 10s....I was 18, and my first car was a sports car....but that was in 1958.


If you, or a relative is a civil servant, it may be worth phoning Liverpool and Victoria and asking for a quote. If they ask if you are a member of CSMA, tell them you will be.



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  • 4 weeks later...

My son is in his twenties, and insured CIS until he was "old enough" for Direct Line to give him a decent price.

They also covered my last camper; someone on here said they don't do motorhome anymore, but I was still covered by them. There may be a problem with a camper as "new business" but it's worth asking them. They certainly seemd more sypathetic to my son as a youngster.



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Well i wasted all my time trying to get my daughter done .

She needs a van for work and they just dont want to know

Makes me so angry not all youngsters are a pain some are sensible.


Could never understand how they can take 3 friends in a car and wrap it round a tree but not a van with two seats one for driver and one for passenger where the loigc in that ???/

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