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Paul M

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Guest JudgeMental


Have looked and cant find it, a link would be nice...


All I would say is stick to Garmin (my personnel preference) or Tom Tom.


They are available for the same sort of money

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Take a look around using Google. Quite a few High street Shops are selling Branded Sat Navs at good prices ( or if in no hurry ) could be EVEN cheaper in the sales.


Personaly I would not buy a unbranded cheap Sat Nav because you may not get back up.


Sticking to names like TomTom etc means you can get help from unlikely sources on the internet (even here >:-) )


The little extra you save, may not be worth it.


That said loadsa people use cheapy stuff and more than happy with it. (and have got themselves a bargain :->



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I had a similar model from Aldi. Worked OK, but you couldnt add extras to it like speedcamera locations or M/H friendly parking. I would recommend sticking to TomTom or the like, you can buy them for same money at Tesco.
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I agree with most of the above. Though I would stick to Tom Tom which can be had for the same sort of money they are now the most up to date with mapping (and at the end of the day that is the one most important thing with sat nav devices) as you can update both mapping and software on a daily basis if you want free from charge.

I have had a Navman for the last three years and would not buy another as their map renewal and backup is not good and very expensive, eg to upgrade the mapping costs £149, you can buy a new Tom Tom for that!

Had a Garmin before that and wilst it was ok it did not match up to the competition that came out shortly after I bought it, plus the map updating is both expensive and finite.

At the end of the day if you can afford to pay to update your maps each year at high costs get whichever you want, however if you want free map updates on a regular, daily if you want, basis Tom Tom is the only way to go.

The equipment features of the current Tom Tom package is at least as good as any of the others, they are all much of a muchness.



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I too have a Navman and would not buy another for the same reasons as above.


However that said it does work well in UK, France, Spain, Belgium and Germany - so far - other European countries to follow!


However that said you do sometimes find yourself on an 'uncharted' road and even with this year's maps there were several times this happened on supposedly 'new' roads that were anything up to two years old.


We always carry an up to date good old fashioned paper atlas as well!

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I too bought an Aldi sat nav - a Medion one last spring. I have added various POIs via Warner. If you google you will find plenty of information out there about it, also within MMM forums.


I have added UK supermarkets, Camping and Caravan club sites, NT and English Heritage houses, swimming pools and a few other things.


It is better than my previous Medion one, giving good warning about which lane to be in prior to movements, eg turning right at junctions and keeping lane disciple at something like spagetti junction. We used it pottering from Denmark back to the Tunnel. We traversed Hamburg in blinding torrential rain and were glad of the help as we could not see the signs clearly. We camped in Germany and Netherlands and finally stopped off for fuel at an Auchan nr Calais.


It was very useful driving through Glasgow in the rush hour last Sept. This was due to traffic being held back by a very very large coach negotiating bends on the Loch Lomond road. [should they be banned for obstructing traffic flow in both directions?]


Sometimes it seems to want to go by the most direct route rather than keeping to main roads, but we soon became wise to that and by knowing where we are going, having planned the direction on a map, we have avoided getting stuck.


They all seem to be brilliant at some things and then have funny quirks to test the patience of a saint. Reading various forums has even made me wary of buying a TomTom.


Buying a cheap one as a first model will allow you gain experience, which will then refine your needs when selecting the next one. Future proof they are not. Like all modern technology there is one much better, marketed just after you have bought your one.


Safe driving




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dragonflyer - 2008-01-25 9:06 PM


Reading various forums has even made me wary of buying a TomTom.


Buying a cheap one as a first model will allow you gain experience, which will then refine your needs when selecting the next one. Future proof they are not. Like all modern technology there is one much better, marketed just after you have bought your one.


I believe it is possible that, in the same way as the most used base chassis for motorhomes get a lot of points raised on forums, as Tom Tom are probably the most popular they may generate more forum traffic. Having just bought a 720 after Christmas I have, currently, nothing but praise for it. It is simple, clear and easy to use and certainly not suffering from any of the problems that I have read of, some of which I believe are operator induced.


Buying a so called 'cheap' one first is money down the drain as the Tom Tom 720 I have was only £21 dearer than the Lidle 'cheap' example being discussed and the Tom Tom's ARE future proof with map updating on a daily basis if required with their 'Map Share' technology.





In answer to the origional posters question of 'Is it a good deal' IMO no it is not that good, cheap ones are available from £89 now days.

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On Martin Lewis (Money Site) this week they have highlighted at Sat Nav Navigo with full UK mapping for £59.99p with a 3.5inch touch screen and extra mapping available free. Also details of Tom-Tom 1 £119.94 delivered free. it may be worth having a look at his weekly News letter which is E mailed free every week. Carol.



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