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Fiat Parts Warranty


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Just had to have one of my fuel pipes replaced as a small hole had been worn into it due to it rubbing against a cable,


The vehicle is still under the 3 year warranty but the Fiat dealer has said that he has been informed that the pipe is not covered under the 3rd year warranty apparently he is saying that they designate the fuel pipe as part of the hoses which are not covered ?? does that seem right ?? I know they are made of plastic but i would have thought they were more a pipe than a hose


Appreciate your suggestions



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Hi Brian, from your earlier posting on this I recall that the hose had worn through because of a cable rubbing against it. Was that cable Fiat standard fit or part of the conversion? If it was standard Fiat i would suggest you have a claim against them but if it was part of the conversion then the converters should carry the can. Out of interest what are they charging you to treplace this pipe?



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Which model base van and which engine do you have and where is the pipe located Brian?


If we all, with similar engines, check our vans for a similar problem and it is found to affect more than one van Fiat might be more interested in a warranty rectification - or even a recall?

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Dave, I think the cable would probably have been fitted by the motorhome manufacture as part of the conversion, albeit I am not certain of that as I really don't know where the cable goes to ? I just know it starts from under the Black plastic cover in the middle of the engine bay ??


As for what pipe and model


2004/5 2.8JTD and the pipe is the outside of 3, 8/10mm black plastic pipes that start from the Fuel filter and then run parallel with one another along the right hand side of the engine and then along the front and down to the pump.


The AA were called to my home after we found that there was a fuel leak and the AA chap found the leaking pipe which he felt was probably caused as a result of a rather large cable or cover of several cables that runs down from inside the Black Plastic cover which is sited in the middle of the engine bay and this cable appears to have been rubbing against outer fuel pipe and as a result has worn a small hole in it which resulted in a fuel leak. The position of the leak [wear] was on the right hand side of the engine and just behind the triple clip that hold the 3 pipes parallel with one another


Hope that explains it OK ??



Oh sorry Dave ? I haven't paid them yet but they did say they didn't think it would be to expensive, I will let you know when I pick it up



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Hi, Dave


Just picked it up and they charged £20.78 for the hose/pipe and £32.50 labour all plus VAT giving a total of £62.60, which I didn't think was a bad price.


I'm not sure if I will try to recover it as its not really a lot of money, but I do think it is a bit annoying that they call it a hose when it appears to me to be a plastic pipe ?? and as i said before hoses are not covered under the 3rd year warranty ??



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I think you will find as i have done from experience that very little is actualy covered by Fiat in their 3rd year gaurantee.

Wheel bearings are not covered they seem to wear out quicker than the rubber on the michelin tyres.

It sounds good a 3 year gaurantee but it is actualy 1 year !!!!!!!!!

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Hi, Ron


I think you have the measure of the situation ??




Ron - 2007-12-14 5:45 PM


I think you will find as i have done from experience that very little is actualy covered by Fiat in their 3rd year gaurantee.

Wheel bearings are not covered they seem to wear out quicker than the rubber on the michelin tyres.

It sounds good a 3 year gaurantee but it is actualy 1 year !!!!!!!!!

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