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petrol stations


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Hi there,

does anyone know if the petrol station at Calais will be open on Sunday 30th Dec, as we're off then for our first winter trip to Spain. Also do you think that there'll be any s/s open on the autoroutes on !st Jan. We've booked into sites on the way down as it's our first time and think that we would use autoroutes for the no hassle routes. It must be over 30 years since we've travelled any distance abroad, but now retired' here we go'!! Would be pleased with any tips .

thankyou in advance

Rhonda annd Alan

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If you are travelling by Eurotunnel there is a petrol station on your left as you drive out, just before you hit the motorway, and a huge parking area for a quick brew up if you should want one.

I wouldn't recomend an overnight stay there though.

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Are you aware that French petrol stations only accept automated payment by credit card when the kiosk is closed and that UK credit cards will not be accepted on most of them.


I might be inclined to consider swallowing the bitter cost pill and enter France with a full tank on this one occasion - although you might possibly have just as much trouble on January 1st?



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Dear Rhonda and Alan,

Forby petrol stations, I notice you are on your first time abroad. So as you are asking this on MMM site I do take it that you know about not overnighting in motorway aires and the one about not handing over currency for the supposed to be police to take away and check.

Just say yes here and we'll all be happier about you going where the sun shines while we enjoy the frosts, cold, rain, miserableness, even snow, aaaaah. Can I come tooooooo.


Good Luck,


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arzangees - 2007-12-14 11:25 PM


Hi there,

does anyone know if the petrol station at Calais will be open on Sunday 30th Dec, as we're off then for our first winter trip to Spain. Also do you think that there'll be any s/s open on the autoroutes on !st Jan. We've booked into sites on the way down as it's our first time and think that we would use autoroutes for the no hassle routes. It must be over 30 years since we've travelled any distance abroad, but now retired' here we go'!! Would be pleased with any tips .

thankyou in advance

Rhonda annd Alan




as you leave Calais port on the motorway exit junc 3 and the Elf station there is open 24/7.


Many more French automated petrol pumps are now excepting UK credit cards.


Safe travelling



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Don Madge - 2007-12-16 12:13 PM


Syd - 2007-12-15 6:20 PM


Don't know if you know about this but if not !!






The site is always well out of date, I use it for comparing prices between different countries.


At present it is cheaper to refuel in Switzerland than Germany.






You may well be correct but top left corner of the site has the following message


Last Updated: 16/12/2007 14:30:13


probably that relates to content other than the petrol prices.


For me, fuel is something that you have to have so what is charged for it anywhere is totally immaterial really

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If you for any reason can't fill up at the ones mentioned already, if you turn off at the last junction before the tollgate on the motorway at Boulogne and head down into the town, as you go down you will see a LeClerc hypermarket (follow the green signs for Abbeville and the N1). The automatic pumps there take UK credit cards and talk to you in english.



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Hi Gordon

Yes thankyou, we've read all the things about aires etc. that is why we've booked into sites on the way down, breaking the journey into 4 days. Also thanks to all for your tips, but we might bite the bullet and fill up before we go just to be sure. As was said, you have to have fuel and it's not worth spoiling a holiday for. I hope your forcast for good weather is correct as this cold snap is really making us look forward more than we were. (if thats possible)

Thanks for your good wishes

Rhonda and Alan

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Just been to fill up my car from our local Petrol Station and they have a notice up saying that they are opened on Sunday 23rd December and also 30th December. The shops etc here just seem to shut for Christmas Day and New Years Day only. No such thing as Boxing Day here. Hope this helps.
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No, I think Boxing Day is only a British Tradition, getting rid of all the empty present boxes and paper!!!!


The French don't go in for lavish gifts at Christmas, one of our neighbours (the previous Mayor) asked if I could embroider towels for her children and grandchildren with their names for Christmas (strange present - but Martin thinks it is a sensible idea, trust him). I have an embroidery machine so it was no problem.

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