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Trailer v A frame

Guest Le Thou

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That sounds about right BJ. Short at the front/ long at the back is ideal.

In my opinion you chose the right trailer as twin axles are less prone to snaking and are much easier to reverse.


An A frame can be reversed, but it is a pain as the car tends to go it's own way. That's the simplified version.

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I cant belive we consider ourselves adults. The world is full of trouble. Bombs, illness, floods and we go on about this debate because we all think we know better than the other man or woman. I am writing this because i am an idiot. Now who is a bigger idiot than me? Lets all get a life just until 2008 anyway. :-S
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My very last word on the subject too.


I am constantly amazed by anyone posting a comment on a forum but then reacts as if they have been unjustly attacked when someone else puts an alternative point if view.


In my previous post I made no assertion that donna was in any way inferior only answered her own comment that people used A-frames didn't have the skill to reverse laded trailer. Patently, that is untrue.


I happen to agree with Michelle - it is only our own personl view and I recognise that others may have a different view. After listening to all the advice on A-frames and reviewed the evidence available to me at the time decided to use an A-frame because I believe it is within the law as it currently stands. It remains for each one of us to do the same.

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It never ceases to be a source of surprise and amusement, this debate. 

I’d like to think that I can offer a balanced view on the specifics of the trailer v A-frame conundrum. 

They’re both awful. 

They seem to me to be, in the huge majority of cases, wholly unnecessary; and serve mainly a source of stress, complexity, expense, and on balance, inconvenience. 

They certainly seem to be the antithesis of the spontaneity and freedom that motorhoming should bring. 

Some advice. When considering one or the other, first ask yourself if your ownership of a motorhome is the best way in which to enjoy your outdoor recreation (would you be better served with a caravan? – come on now, be honest). If you are absolutely sure that a motorhome is right, and simply can’t survive without a smaller vehicle in tow, randomly pick either method to complicate your life.  

Nobody, who has a life, cares.

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