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Can i pull a sledge with an a-frame?


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Dave, those of us not possessed of encyclopedic technical knowledge are happy not to let facts get in the way of a witty response, so for sledge, we read sleigh! :-D


But then again, my Collins dictionary uses the same definition for both words! So I guess we are off the hook on that one anyway.


As for flying. I suspect Santa is wise to keep to the roads, hence the motorhome and A frame arrangement. The CAA have tightened the screw on non-commercial flying in recent years and in addition to far tougher pilot licencing rules, new re-validation assessments, higher standards of compulsory medical testing, vastly extended restricted airspace, quadrupled landing charges for light aircraft (such as sleighs), navigation charges if he needs radar approaches in bad weather plus horrendous mandatory public liability insurance, well, he would be very foolish to take to the air. Oh and if he coasts in from the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Northern Ireland and forgets to get prior Special Branch clearance, heaven help him, likewise if he comes in from the Continent without HM Customs' approval and tries to use small airfields or indeed, people's gardens......


Bob ;-)


ps just spotted Michele's post - my dictionary says sled is same as sledge, so my first paragraph still applies.

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