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Mobile Phones in Portugal


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I have just been watching Sky News and they are saying that Mobile Phones are banned in cars in Portugal (also Japan & Singapore) even if they are hands free and built-in. I presume this ban does not include passengers although you never know.


Does anyone have any further information?

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In case you hadn't heard, UK law is changing so that 'dangerous driving' whilst using a mobile will have a max sentance of 2years, also aparently research has show handsfree can be as dangerous as drunk driving, if this is the case then logic would dictate a complete ban on use of phones in car :-S
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colin - 2007-12-20 10:42 PM


In case you hadn't heard, UK law is changing so that 'dangerous driving' whilst using a mobile will have a max sentance of 2years, also aparently research has show handsfree can be as dangerous as drunk driving, if this is the case then logic would dictate a complete ban on use of phones in car :-S


Thats all well and good but they don't catch and fine them now, so is it going to make them think twice? I don't think so, the idiots that use mobiles whilst driving are a threat to us all. We have the same problem here, you see them all the time using a mobile whilst driving and nothing seems to be done.

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I wonder how 1 man taxi businesses will manage to operate if a complete ban comes into effect on even having a mobile phone in the car??I must admit to having a complete hands free setup in my taxis when I was working for the whole 17 years .This didnt present a problem at the time & I'm sure it didnt affect my consentration just pressing the button & saying I'd ring back when stationary later.The great majority dont have an office somewhere taking their calls for them.I firmly believe the biggest danger is the people who hold the phone to their ear & have long conversations or the ones who dial out numbers when on the move or text.In most cases a taxi will just very briefly acknowledge the caller & reply later.Ive often observed others with the phone stuck to their ear rolling their head back & forth in deep conversation obliviouse to others around them.I bet Ive open a can of worms with these comments!!!!!!!!!!!
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