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Heater Given up the Ghost


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We had heat all the way to Troyes . We were driving along and all of a sudden we noticed there was no usual noise coming from the heater .


We then realised very quickly we had no heating at all .

We drove the rest of the way absolutely baltic it was ,so cold that we had blankets wrapped around us it was freezing .


We are going to look at the fuses just to see if one has popped .

Other than that any suggestions.



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Checking the fuses is the right place to start.


If the fuses are OK, then it could be a fault with the heater-control switch, or with the heater-motor itself.


If all else fails you might consider running your Bessacarr's gas heater while driving, to get some warmth into the vehicle. Truma C-Series heaters are designed to operate safely in a moving vehicle, though there are obvious safety implications involved in driving around with a gas-bottle turned on and a gas appliance in operation. It needs to be said too that doing this would be illegal in France unless the SecuMotion/DriveSafe regulator/hose system is fitted to your motorhome (and, as you've never mentioned it before, it probably isn't). It's also possible that the 12V electrical arrangement installed in your UK-built motorhome may prevent heater operation when the vehicle's engine is running.

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Hi Michele,

Is it possible that as it is so cold that a low temperature thermostat has turned the heater off? is the van up to normal working temperature? this could cause a problem if you are running cold. other than this, if the heater motor stopped working whilst driving it could be a fuse that has blown but there would have to be a reason for this (motor burnt out or short) it is also possible that a connection has come adrift from the heater speed control unit located behind the controls on the dash, they are push in connectors and can come loose,or on the motor its self. To get at these you will need to remove the radio and various cross head screws to get at it, very fiddley. The heater motor is located under the dashboard in the centre between the seats if you grovel on the floor it should be possible to check that a wire has not been inadvertantly caught up and disconnected. There are 2 wires from the motor one is connected to the heater casing and the other goes to the speed control if you have your multimeter with you, and you feel confident in doing so, you could disconnect the heater motor wire that goes to the speed control unit, put your meter on to the Ohms scale and check for continuity if ok them connect a wire to this and connect to the 12v cig lighter or aux socket to get it working. I would not normally suggest this but you are a long way from home, and you must have heating/ demist, and it may be difficult to get help at this time of year. good luck let me know if I can help further.

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Check the fuse first.I have a Ducatto where the rear heater is an add-on when it was converted to a motorhome & I have occasionally blown the fuse when Ive had front & rear heaters on together so I make sure I always switch 1 off before putting the other on.I dont think it's a good idea to increase the fuse rating so I only have 1 on at a time. :$
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Clive keep up young man ! I know I'm not the easiest to follow :D

Thanks very much for all the suggestions he is going to have a look tomorrow bearing in mind what you have all said . So very grateful otherwise we will be having a cold drive back to England.


Thank you all .

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michele - 2007-12-27 11:28 AM seems it is a fuse that has popped all mended now hopefully we will make it back all the way home warm. ;-)


Try to get a spare or two for that fuse.  It may just have been a dud fuse but, if it wasn't, something caused it to fail.  Unless that something was fixed - and you haven't said it was - the fault may reoccur.  You'll need to get that looked at when you get back but, in case the new fuse blows en route, a spare or two may keep your heating going on the way.

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hubby put an input lead a break out cabel that comes from the pioneer dash unit . I caught my foot on it and the break out cable disconected the fan terminal leads 8-) Now he has explained it to me .


We have spare fuses and spare bulbs for everything and always carry them at all times you never know.


Thank you .

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Hi Bob,


Hope everyone had a good Christmas, regarding switching causing fuses to blow. It depends just how much surge the load puts on the fuse when starting up, if the surge of current on start up exceeds the fuse rating then the fuse will break. Whenever a load is placed on the fuse the wire heats up and expands, if both ends of the wire are soldered to the end caps, then the fuse wire will bend slightly, fatique and break without a current overload being placed on it.


In equipments I serviced there were special anti-surge fuses which incorporated a spring in line with the fuse wire inside the glass, the fuse wire inside could expand and contract without the fuse wire bending.


Regards Terry

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Guest Tracker

For future reference folks!


If a vehicle heater suddenly runs cold it can be an early warning sign of big problems due to a lack of water in the engine cooling system to such an extent that the water pump has insufficient hot water to circulate around the engine and heater matrix.


Far from being a sign that the engine is cold it can mean just the opposite - OVERHEATING.


Stopping, or switching the engine off, IMMEDIATELY might just - if you are very lucky - prevent you blowing the head gasket or doing even more very expensive, or even terminal, damage to the engine.


You cannot even rely on the water temperature gauge as that too, depending on it's type and location, may not have any water around it and could also show a cold reading.


It might well only be a fuse, as it was in this case, but it is much better to stop and check no matter how cold or wet it might be outside.

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Tracker - 2007-12-28 10:49 AM


For future reference folks!


If a vehicle heater suddenly runs cold it can be an early warning sign of big problems due to a lack of water in the engine cooling system to such an extent that the water pump has insufficient hot water to circulate around the engine and heater matrix.


Far from being a sign that the engine is cold it can mean just the opposite - OVERHEATING.


Stopping, or switching the engine off, IMMEDIATELY might just - if you are very lucky - prevent you blowing the head gasket or doing even more very expensive, or even terminal, damage to the engine.


You cannot even rely on the water temperature gauge as that too, depending on it's type and location, may not have any water around it and could also show a cold reading.


It might well only be a fuse, as it was in this case, but it is much better to stop and check no matter how cold or wet it might be outside.




All though that point may be correct, this sounds different. If your's was the correct diagnosis then the heater fan would still be running. Although running it would be giving out cold air. This on the other hand sounds like an electrical fault with the fan itself.


Anyhow when I saw you being followed by an autotrail just outside of Lyon on Friday pm 2ish michelle, YOu looked nice and warm to me. (lol) although I never saw you wave to me I'm sure you did. We on the other hand have arrived safely and only one problem, the cold dropping to -20 last night just took the power out of the battery. Thank god for my Genny and it,s power up battery option, this has allowed me to get going from the aire we stayed last night to Pranalogan. What a lovely place it is. Went skiing today, kids are now experts, I on the other hand have only fallen over twice 8-) Now going for a stiff drink to get over th eaches.

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