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Auto-clutch - PeteS


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Back in October I was asking for comments about the use of Autoclutch, and PeteS, amongst others, replied. Pete also promised to let me know how he was getting with his new vehicle. I posted a Private message for him a few days ago, but maybe he hasn't looked in the inbox recently. So, PeteS or anyone else iwth views on Auto-clutch, please have you any news or comments?

Happy New Year to all who look here.



Neil B

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Hi Neil, i think peteS may be touring in spain at the moment, but he does pick up his email from time to time.

I had auto clutch fitted to my new marquis lancashire last november 06.

I think its great, as i have a left leg which was dammaged in a road traffic accident.

I asked them to adjust it so that it creeps in traffic, even on an incline the same with reverse, marquis took it from tewksbury to lancashire, but it's better if you can be there, as they can adjust it to your style of driveing.

in my case i rang them and let them know when i was going to the lakes and popped in, it took about an hour to get it right, for which they didn't charge me.

need any more? pm me with any question's you might have



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Yes, I've seen the previous forum entries on Autoclutch, but thanks for drawing my attention to them. And thanks, Mr Breakaleg, for your positive comments. We have a new M/H on order, from NEC in October, based on new Ducato 130 Multijet. Then, we wre told that it wasn't an option to upgrade the engine to 157 Multijet and add the new Auto box. But NOW it is an option, but we might have to wait a lot of months more to get it, and of course the good deal negotiayed at the NEC would be lost. It is most frustrating, as we've been looking for a M/H of a size and layout to suit us with Auto box for years. So, Autoclutch might just have to be the next best thing. We wait to hear from the dealer and manufacturer to see if a miracle can be achieved.


Neil B

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Just two things. 

I'd stare the dealer very hard in the eye if he was threatening to abandon his NEC price when you seek to change to a more expensive version of your van, mainly because it seems to have been duff information furnished by him at the NEC that governed your choice.  It seems to me he was wrong, and morally owes you the deal you would have made had he correctly advised you. 

A dealer of good will would not play hookey with his mark up on such flimsy grounds.  The price would change, but only due to the cost of the auto option and any general price hikes since.  If he sticks to his line, work out the difference between the catalogue price for what you have ordered and what you were to be charged, add the cost of the auto box option, and then try other dealers, telling them the offer you've had, and inviting them to match it.  You can reasonably say you've lost faith in the dealer you dealt with at the NEC, and even why, and would prefer to deal with them instead, if they can match the price.  Won't cost you anything, and if there was profit in the deal, which I guess there must have been, it gives other dealers gain the chance to benefit to that extent.  If they don't want it, you still have an intact order, if they do, cancel the order and transfer your business.

Second, fitting an Autoclutch, even if possible on such a new model, might play havoc with the Fiat warranty.

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