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Vets in Belgium

Mel B

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We've just returned from a trip to France, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Switzerland (unexpectedly across the largest wooden bridge in Europe at Bad Sackingen), Germany, Switzerland (intended this time!!), Germany, Belgium, Holland (briefly!), Belgium and France. How's that for 2 and a half weeks!!! Anyway the point of this posting is to let you know that we found a very cheap vet in Belgium about 3.5 km from Brugge centre. He treated our 3 dogs and did the paperwork for 35 euros ... in total!!! Last time at a (very nice) vet in France it was 75 euros for 2 dogs so we were expecting a bill of at least 100 euros, we nearly fell over when he said 35 and had to double check the price with him! The only downside was that we had to wait around 45 mins to see him as he only had an open surgery which started at 6.00 pm (appointments in the morning only) and he didn't think that it was necessary for the dogs to have the tick and worm treatment, we convinced him that we wanted it anyway and this was included in the price. The tick treatment was Frontline drops on the back of the neck and the worm treatment was tablets rather than injection as he prefered this as he had found from past experience that the injections can cause irritation - this did occur to one of our dogs the time before and he screamed the place down for 30 seconds ... but then he is a big baby! I haven't got the vet's details to hand at present but will post them in the next couple of days for anyone that's interested.
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Hi Henry The vet's details are as follows: Dr Pierre De Laender Prins Karellaan 39 8310 Assebroek Brugge Tel 32 50 37 31 33 His clinic is located near a juction and set in amongst the houses. Both he and his nurse speak very good English. We asked a nice young lady at the Dusseldorf show info point to ring him for us on the Wednesday morning and we went on the Friday tea-time. There is another vet in the same area but the authorities in Brugge have altered the road property numbers and we couldn't find him when we did a quick reckie just in case we needed him!!! If you're not going to Brugge but still want a vet in Belgium just find the nearest tourist info centre to where you will be and email them and they'll send you a list of vets in the area, that's how we got this one.
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