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thanks don madge


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hi don


what a mine of information you are....i'm sure you must have answered most of the questions many times over the years but still take the trouble to reply to us novices!!


the site you have recommended to the cooks re insurance is fantastic and i shall be checking it out very thoroughly over the next couple of days.


in your article covering your winter trip last year you said that you did not think you would be returning this year as it was too crowded....do you have any other suggestions for a winter away from blighty?


best wishes for your travels in 2008



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Thanks Berti glad you found thee info useful.


The nearest and warmest place for a winters stay is Morocco, not everybody's cup of tea. We wintered there in the mid nineties and we enjoyed it very much but once again it started to get crowded.


Sicily is getting popular, it's not got too crowded yet but is very popular with the Germans.


Southern Greece (the Peloponnese) is also worth considering but it can be very wet at times.


Turkey along the med coast is OK (we've wintered there four times) but is a long slog but for us an enjoyable one. A follow on from Turkey is Cyprus a good winter destination, one has to go via Turkey as there are no car ferries from Greece to Cyprus at present. Going via Turkey is a no no for pet owners as Turkey is not in the Pet Passport Scheme.


We tried the Canary Islands one year, it's not geared for motorhomes but there's a few camp sites and free camping is not a problem. The down side is the £1600 ferry fare.


I hope this helps.



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