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has anyone bought a plot on a motorhome park in spain?


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hi everyone


we have just been sorting through some old mmm articles which we had cut out for future reference and have found an advert for a motorhome park in cartama, malaga.


fully serviced pitches were advertised from £11995 & it was due to open in july 2003...does anyone know if it did or not?


i know there was a project called lemon falls or something similar which we heard was a scam..and mmm published a letter from someone trying to set one up with individual investors raising the deposit to buy the land.


are they all scams?


kind regards





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B-) I believe it turned out to be a Scam. Are they all scams? Most probably. There have been one or two camp site/Plots that HAVE been set up. In fact there is one habited mainly by Germans in the Orba valley. They buy a plot of land and usually a static (Mobile home) or a cabin. They still have to pay a service fee and for Electricity/Gas via the Camp site.
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I think the one you are referring to is called Rio Grande Motorhome Club and is not a scam. It was very popular when launched by a group of motorhomers and vastly oversubscribed at the time. I considered joining due to the lack of decent campsites on the Costa del Sol but decided that I was still too much of a nomad! Their website is www.riograndemc.com.

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same yer me ansum. we studied em all and got all hot and bothered about moving to spain to let our son and family run the farm in peace. us handed all the papers to our solicitors, Zennor and Mousole, who told us not to tuch any with a bargpole (or much ruder words to that affect). Us took sum cooling down i can tell you my biddies. Even this latest venture was completely mothballed in june 2006 according to the webs**te, so us is now looking for a log cabin with five acres so alice can still keep her goats and chickens.



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We tried to purchase a plot way back in 2003 and even paid a deposit and nothing seemed to come of it so lost £5,500!!!!!! I am still angry today. Hard earnt money down the drain.


This was Orange Valley ******** even went to view supposed land to be used for this developement. The first company **** at companies house was disbanded and another one registered with companies house, similar name. Was informed unless we signed another contract and paid more money then our original deposit would be lost as original name had been closed down. Wasn't prepared to lose even more money!!!! as far as I know this project has never got off the ground. How many more people lost money I do not know but some did.

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Ouch! A case of not checking the latest position before opening my mouth I think - Apologies all round.


I still don't think it was a scam though knowing some of the people involved. I'll try to get some info and report back.

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ron b

i will print off the info on the website and hopefully try to visit & check it out this winter trip



so sorry that my post rekindled the bad memories of your experience..it is a lot to lose to some lowlife!!!...they will get their comeuppance somewhere along the way


thanks to everyone who took the trouble to reply


kind regards


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Further to the position with the Rio Grande Motorhome Club. I have been informed that they ran into unforeseen planning problems and have indeed closed the site, so as not to antagonise the authorities, whilst discussions are taking place. Only one permission is now eluding them and being negotiated. Having property and knowing how things operate in that area this does not surprise me at all and might even be described as normal.


As to the suggestion of a scam operating, the fact is that the land, plant, etc, is owned outright jointly by the members of the club. If a scam is operating it seems to me that they must be perpetrating it upon themselves!


All contacts to the club are open if anyone wants more info.


I should make it clear that I have no connection whatsoever with RGMC other than as an interested spectator.

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RonB - 2008-01-03 12:54 PM



As to the suggestion of a scam operating, the fact is that the land, plant, etc, is owned outright jointly by the members of the club. If a scam is operating it seems to me that they must be perpetrating it upon themselves!




Like so many of these Schemes.....and there are more than a few that have started and failed in this area of Spain.....They are not all started as "Scams" rather, like RioGrande, conceived without thought or regard. The days of being able to buy a plot and build whatever and live the dream are long gone.....and certainly not as cheap as once was....and these sort of sites are way down on the council planners "good idea" list..So, what starts as a great idea inevitably fails and then smells of a "Scam".....


I will confess to being a little bit more "connected" in the area.....through daughters marriage..... ;-) ;-) and can say from that inside info that final plans/apro for RGMC will come through around the same time as we get a Muslim Pope [no that long away then, some may say].


Anyway......Thats my one and only comment on the matter......



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What a sad reply Ray. I do not have family in the area but I do have long standing connections who conveyed to me that no scam is involved. They give the position as it now stands and, unlike you, are not prepared to predict the future.
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I did NOT say it was a Scam. I said unfortunaly these sort of plans/ideas come across.....eventually......as a Scam because dreams are dashed and cash is lost. Yes, sad !!!!


Anyway.......If that is not want you [anyone] wishes to hear so be it......put your money where your's and their dreams are and take your chances.


I am having dinner with the Mayor [with a couple of dozen others] tonight.....after the Three Kings event........and will mention the RioGrande site.......and watch the eyes roll and shoulder shrug....



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Just to keep the record straight nowhere have I acussed ANYBODY of saying that RGMC is a scam. The sadness mentioned refers to the mocking tone of Rays replies, which I think are unpleasent and unnecessary.


Having benefited hugely from taking chances in life I do have a degree of admiration for others attempting to reach their goals, dreams or otherwise, and the opposite feelings for those mocking their efforts.


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Hi Rob...I think if you saw my comments as mocking then your head is on a much higher cloud than mine.......I think I CLEARLY said that they are dreams that have turned to dust....and then seen as scams....NOT [all]Scams in the first place......


Perhaps if those with the dreams had taken better advise in the first place the HUGE amounts of cash lost in good faith would not have happened......What for example has happened at RioGrande since 2004........other than a few more investers.....NOTHING!


I live here and would like nothing better than to have a fully working caravan/mororhome park close by......I think it is not hard to work out who I am and and that sadly I only have 27 years experience in this business to call on. I have nothing but praise for those, like myself, who make the life-change and find succes down here in the sun etc etc etc......but it don't come free and if you think it comes with a small idea and major investent by others.....dream on in the clouds.


But, if you feel the need why not invest yourself in the new motorhome/caravan/camping project " Camping la Mota" doing the rounds here at the moment. Loads of experience offered [ex-publican], land will be OK when it is drained and leveled [Just a small moutain side] and only looking for £15.000 per unit investment........Oh of course....all Regs, Planning and Permission to follow!!!! But I will tell you something, watch the www.sites like this one when in a few years the burnt fingers have healed and tears have dryed.....leaving only battered bank accounts.


No monkey brains at the Mayors meeting....as they say down here, many looking for the "New Life" and "Dream Projects" leave theirs on the Easyjet flight.





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