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Dusseldorf Show - who bought a bucket then???

Mel B

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Alright, anyone who went to the Dusseldorf show up until Thursday (they sold out after that I think) should know what I'm on about - who bought one of the large bowl shaped buckets at the show and what do you intend to do with it????? I couldn't resist on our second day's visit and got the last one in the whole show, narrowly beating another Brit to it!!!
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Hello Mel Hope you enjoyed the Dusseldorf Show. They were not selling the said buckets last year. It appears that they are designed for couples who wish to soak their feet at the same time! Anyway, welcome back John P
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Guest Ian Stewart
Don't know about buckets, didn't see any in the Show or on the field but there were hundreds of those little carriers with the cardboard boxes fitted. Where else can you buy a toilet waste tank carrier for Euro 5 ?
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Guest Ian Stewart
Don't know about buckets, didn't see any in the Show or on the field but there were hundreds of those little carriers with the cardboard boxes fitted. Where else can you buy a toilet waste tank carrier for Euro 5 ?
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Guest Ian Stewart
Don't know about buckets, didn't see any in the Show or on the field but there were hundreds of those little carriers with the cardboard boxes fitted. Where else can you buy a toilet waste tank carrier for Euro 5 ?
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