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Happy New Year To You All from Me .


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Happy new year to you and your family Michelle and to all the other forum members.

Nice piccy, I presume you and hubby have just got out of the van to warm up a bit after your feet re-arranged the wiring to the heater. (lol) (lol) (lol)


John D.

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Happy New Year Michelle and All the Foum Members.

Lets hope it's a Good one and you all get away as often as you wish.


Michelle it looks like you found the snow Ok. What are conditions like in France ?


Only 12 days to go before we are in Austria.

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Flicka ,

Same to you and all the family.

Ok the moment we got out of the shuttle it was ice all the tree tops were white and I saw snow on the roads. Hubby said I was a silly Cow and I was dreaming it up but then I pointed out to him and he soon said your right :D It was freezing all the way to lyon and grenoble is where it finally warmed up funnily enough the closer we got to the Alps it seemed to get warmer .

Then as soon as we got to the Alps it was snow wonderful just had some pictures and an e mail from Panagma and he is there now it is minus 20 take your long johns :D

On the way back yesterday cold but the ice and snow had gone from lyon all the way back to Calais. Have a good trip happy travels .

Forgot to say Paul is glad he took the jenny he has managed to break his waste pipe as it froze totally and he ended up snapping it now the water runs into a bucket or as he says the ice .

He also has a flat battery totally kapoot they just dont build em like they used to do they ;-)

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Guest JudgeMental


And a Happy New year from the Mental's


We just got back yesterday from our Florida trip & western Caribbean cruise and it was superb.


An unconventional Christmas day at the Mayan site at Lamanai in Belize.....




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