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FM transmitters for mp3 players


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I have been looking into fm transmitters for my van as we have a lot of music on mp3 players and our phones. We bought a great Boots one that plugs into the cigarette lighter for £10 and is fabulous. However we realised that a lot of the time we would like to use it from inside the van not the cab so we don't have to poke through the cab curtains to work the music which we have to do at the moment with the CD player and radio. Wouldn't mind trying to link it up to play my laptop sound through the MH speakers. Any ideas?


Do any of you have one of the Belkin ones or something similar and how do you rate it. Where is the best place to get it etc?


Thanks for the help in advance.



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I did some thinking about this problem recently. I thought about the FM transmitters and the like. The problem I also have is that my van radio is powered from the vehicle battery and so I was reluctant to use it too much.

My solution was to buy two reasonable PC speakers from Comet, change the power converter to a 9v one from maplins, fix the speakers to the cabinets in the back of the van and power the whole lot from a 12v socket fed from the leisure battery. Add a twelve volt charger for the MP3 player, also from Maplins and I get a system that is acceptable to my undiscerning ear.

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I've just been given a belkin one for Xmas and have used it since then in the van (we visit family over Xmas and New Year and use the van as our living space). I reckon it is very good. It may be a bit heavy on its own wee battery but you can plug it in to the cigar-type socket. I think it is also a bit dependent on the quality of the can aerial but it works fine with our 2003 Peugeot based Autosleeper.
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The only problem with using an FM transmitter is they can be prone to interference. Some allow you to change to another frequency which can help. A better bet is to fit an FM Modulator available from Maplins. This is a wired sytem and is less prone to interference. It also has two sets of frequencies.


I fitted one of these and for more information visit this site



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those fm transmitters are useless in italy, as through the entire range the radio can pick up theres a rubbish station every 0.4, so you cant tune in the ipod without interference :-(


Had to drive 8 hrs straight listening to italian radio :'(



can you not get a hard wired solution for your existing radio/cassette player?

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If you have a casette player why not get an adapter that goes into the casette slot with a 3.5mm plug on the end of the wire to plug into your MP3 earphone socket. I've had one of these for years and it's bril'. Just another string to your bow should you suffer interference with the FM signal. I bought my wife a FM transmitter for her car, I will also use it to put our M/H T.V sound through our car stereo as I sit at the front of the van and the T.V is at the back. So sound could do with a bit of augmentation.
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