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burstner e-control box power loss

m adams

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We have recently purchased a Burstner Argos 850.


The e-control box registers a constant 2amp output even with everything switched off. Without mains hook-up the control box shuts everything down after a few hours. With mains hook-up the 2amp output still registers.


Is this a common problem?


Does anyone have the solution?


Many thanks :-(

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I presume this 2 Amp output is on the 12 Volt side of things. First thing I'd do is put an ammeter in series with the battery and establish if there is actually a 2 Amp drain or whether its just the panel giving a false reading. If this 2 Amp drain is real then pull the fuses for each circuit one by one till it disappears to find your problem. If it doesn't disappear even after all the circuits have been isolated then you have a real problem and its time to speak to your supplying dealer.



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I've just had this by e-mail and said I'd post it:


I have the E-box on my Delfin 680 and the current draw with the 12 volt active is 0.7 amp which I assume is the E-box display and temperature control fan. The display can be shut down by pressing the menu control button for a few seconds when the message “E Control Shutting Down” is displayed. This leaves the system able to charge the battery and run the fridge when the engine is started but isolates all other living accommodation 12 volt systems such as lights and habitation 12 volt sockets except the e-box cooling fan.


Hope this helps, D.

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