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Hi Way2go

Fantastic pics whats your secret?? how do you keep your pics so sharp after you have reduced them to upload file size , as I reduce some of my pics they lose their sharpness, and what software do you use please,getting a bit frustrated trying to make pics right size any help much appreciated Kelly

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Maybe not as clear as Way to go but here is one way


Right click on the picture

Open with is shown

click on

Microsoft Office Picture Manager

click on

Edit Picture (at the tool bar)

Click on

Compress Picture, (on right of screen)

Click on

Web Pages

Click on OK

close picture

Click on



All done then upload

Hope it works

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kelly58 - 2008-08-18 9:19 AM

Fantastic pics whats your secret?? how do you keep your pics so sharp after you have reduced them to upload file size

Hi Kelly,

I use Photoshop CS for all my photo 'tweaking'.  The original size of my images are 3072 x 2048 pixels with a quality of 180 DPI.  For web site submission I usually reduce them to 800 x 600 pixels and 72 DPI although the ones above are 640 x 480 pixels.

Once reduced in size I then assess what needs to be done to bring out the best in the image.  This usually involves using the 'Levels' tool to move and stretch the brightness levels.  It has a slider so I can adjust the brightness and contrast of an image.

Next I may use the 'Shadow/Highlight' tool to adjust the details lost in the shadows if it is a backlit subject.

Next I use the 'Stroke' tool to apply a 2 pixel black line around the image.

Finally, and I always leave this bit to last, I apply some 'Unsharp Mask' to sharpen the image before saving it.

So to recap.

1) Resize image

2) Adjust contrast/brightness (optional)

3) Adjust shadow/highlights detail (optional)

4) Apply black border (optional)

5) Sharpen image

6) Save and publish

Hope this helps and happy to talk photography anytime.


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Having said all that, the amount of manipulation depends on the image.  Most shots need very little work apart from just sharpening but some need a bit more work.

The example above was shot against a bright sky and I didn't have time to compose the shot and adjust anything as I didn't want the young fella to fly off whilst I was turning dials.

The lenses I use are of good quality and I knew I could rescue the shadow detail once I could get it into Photoshop.

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Hi way2go thanks for the info I have photoshop 7 so I will give it a try I have been using the Finepix Viewer I got with my old Fuji finepix 6900z just to resize the images but I have recently bought a sony alfa 200 so I can use my old Minolta af lenses and amm over the moon with the output but dissapointed with the resizing which I know is down to me Thanks again Kelly
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Levels is 'CTRL L'.  Drag the right '<' pointer to the left to lighten and drag the left '>' pointer to the right to darken.  Drag the middle pointer to L or R for fine tuning.

Unsharp Mask is Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask ('CTRL F' will select the last filter used if you are going to process several images in one session)

For an 800 x 600 pixel image try starting with something like Amount 140%; Radius 0.9; Threshold 2 then adjust to your own taste.

Let me know how you get on or PM me if you like.


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bootbags - 2008-08-18 3:59 PM I am sure Way2Go you will agree the picture I am posting is special. Sadly I cannot take any of the credit as it, along with several others, were sent to me. What do you think, is it good?

All I can say is that's gonna leave a mark in the morning :-)

Thanks for sharing.


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A while ago in this thread a picture was posted of the village of Vesdun, which claims to be at the centre of France.


It is true that Vesdun is the village closest to the geographical centre of the country and below is a (rather dull) photo of the marker showing the exact centre of France. It is located about 4 miles to the west and is rather badly signposted up a cart track.


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Hey Carol now you have got knack I will look forward to seeing some more of your lovely pics, is the first one in Scotland by any chance? just a guess I dont recognise it. Whoever painted that bird was very clever do you think he was absailing then?
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Mick H. - 2008-08-22 6:43 PM


As the above seems to be sleeping at the moment I thought I'd put a werami on my self.


Are the werami tribe related to the wherethehellawi tribe or even the oomagooly tribe, Mick?


(Never heard of the oomagooly tribe? They've got no legs, doncha know... :D )

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