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truma trauma


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Hi, just been away overnight, having recently drained my water

tank/heater etc.

i refilled, bled the air out, put the water heater on (mains) waited

after half an hour, the water was still cold, so i lit the gas as well.

half an hour later still cold, so i hit the trip switch, made sure the

gas was still alight (it was) turned the heating on (blown air)


waited, then it was hot, does anyone have any ideas, what if anything i

done wrong or what caused it?.

last van had a carver heater.



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Am I right in thinking it's a Truma Ultrastore B10 water-boiler you are referring to?


Logically, if the boiler has water in it and the gas-burner is operating and/or the 230V element is functioning properly, then that water is going to heat up. Only thing I can think of is that you didn't run off enough water when you turned on the tap for the hot water to find it's way through the pipework. Can't see why operating a blown-air system relating to a completely separate Truma 'fire' should have any effect on the boiler.


Very mysterious...

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thank you derek, you may well be right, we arrived late, the first cl we tried, we got stuck in the mire.

we had visitors for dinner, and everything was done in a bit of a rush, couldnt tell you wich truma it is without searching the van, i know it says ultrastore on the switch.

many thanks


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