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Spotlight brackets.

Martyn Ward.

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I rather fancy fiting a couple of large garish spotlights on the front of my '97 Swift Royale. Does anyone know where I can purchase one of those nice shiny "A" bars from to mount them on? ( just an "A" bar please, not one of those huge, silly things that wouldn't look out of place in the Northern Territories, thank you, the chances of me hitting a Kangaroo in Dorset are quite slim!! And anyone lecturing in legal/moral issues, save it for someone who gives a ****)


Much thanks.





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Hi Martyn, the early Royales came with a bull bar fitted front and rear, with 2 huge spotlights fitted to the front one. I removed it from mine after the first year and fitted a couple of Bosch foglights in the spaces where the bar came through from the chassis. Have you thought where a bar would fit if you haven't already got the cutouts in the false front bumper?



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