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Fuel prices

Guest Peter Lawton-Harris

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Guest Peter Lawton-Harris
To all my corespondents who are wrong. I take it now that you have seen that Gordon Brown agrees with me( I knew he would get it right if he listened to me) you will be apologising and recognising that the oil companies are deliberatly manipulating the price of fuel. Don't you mean Mel C. " Peter how do you get it so RIGHT ?" It will be interesting to see how many of you have the courtesy to apolgise for all your adverse and incorrect comments. Any shortage of fuel is a as a direct result of greed. There is so much oil to be had it should be a penny a pint but am I talking to idiots? You don't have to be foolish just because you drive a M/home. Or do you ? See you at York. Lots of luvstuff XXXXX Peter
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Guest Peter Lawton-Harris
Seeing you at York? Look for my motor home.I would be delighted to meet you all. Hymer 700s reg. no PLH 349(well it would be wouldn't it?) Keep buying fuel at inflated prices. I love it.
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Peter, Just had to stop reading the Beano to my Teddy Bear to say of course you were right all along about everything? There, there, does that make you feel better? Just a thought. With the Labour Party Conference soon to take place and the possibility of another Fuel Protest has Gordon Brown been clever in pointing out only ONE reason for increased fuel prices? Add in also racketeering by some of the Fuel Retailers. (Local Garage Diesel two weeks ago 93.9p per litre now 99.9p and not even BP or Esso). Regards, Mike C. (Not Mel C. Wrong again!)
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Guest Peter Lawton-Harris
Mike C No I am not right about everything but I do know what the practice is in my shareholding in the oilfield and why? That's all I was saying I am aware that some people jump on to the bandwaggon of profit. But we ain't gonna stop that.
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Mr Harris - If your sympathy lies with the poor people who can't afford the recent fuel increases I'm surprised that you're still reaping in profits from your oil investments, apparently without any qualms. Surely, you should sell up and get out of this dirty business.
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Guest Peter Lawton-Harris
Shrek and Clive Oil Royalty Shares( Dirty ??? I don't think so) Your too late, I gave them to my youngest daughter in a trust in the I.O.M many years ago and as my daughter became 21 last Monday they will be hers now as the trust was effective until her 21st birthday or my demise whichever was the sooner. I do not know what she would like to do with them. It's non of my business. I think we should terminate this conversation. it's getting nowhere. Enjoy the show and lets hope we have nice weather THE END
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I am surprised about the amount of anger directed to the oil companies. This is one area of expertise where Britain still dominates in Europe and where we still have world class companies. Oil companies pump the stuff deep out of the ground (or sea) in often hostile conditions, pump it ashore, refine the oil and then distribute it to fuel stations who then make a mark their mark up. Even in these high oil price days this is all done for a pump selling price of around 31 pence in the UK the cheapest price in Europe. This is far cheaper than milk or even bottled water. It is not the oil companies fault that the government then comes along and adds approximately 68 pence tax per litre to make our fuel one of the most expensive in Europe.
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Guest Tony Norton
Hello all I don't think I've come across a subject that caused quite so much (sometimes personal) anger and abuse. It all seemed to start when one subscriber felt the need to say how much he had paid for his motorhome. In my opinion (please note) it doesn't matter whether we paid £10K or £110K we're all getting taken for a ride. The oil companies take the p**s, the government takes the p**s, and even the poor old retailers (who get the smallest cut) take the p**s. How else do you account for the fact that our local Tesco Express is currently (today's price) charging 5p per litre less than a very nearby Tesco supermarket. The trouble is that petrol and diesel are products that, in today's society, we are either totally dependant upon for our livelihoods or not prepared to go without in order to pursue our hobby. If it really is too expensive can I suggest that the only source of motive power that is free is the wind, but investigate the cost of "parking" one of those floating pointed things with flappy bits before you switch. Tony N
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Guest Peter Lawton-Harris
Tony N Bravo!!!!!! do I see a glimmer of inteligence here? This seems in short supply in motor-homers. Perhaps that includes me for starting the debate. Peter
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