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What motorhome do you own?

Derek Uzzell

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Hopefully this will be taken in the spirit it is intended, but it's really difficult sometimes trying to provide best answers to many of the 'technical' inquiries made on this forum, simply because the motorhome involved is not identified.


If you look towards the top of the Motorhome Matters forum web-page, you'll find the "What are the vehicle details?" posting from the OAL Moderator encouraging people to say what vehicle they are talking about when asking a question. Most of the time it's perfectly adequate if the basic year/make/model of motorhome is known and the simplest way to provide those data is to insert them in the Location field via the forum's Control Panel (top right of the forum web-page). That way, whenever you post something (be it inquiry, advice, joke - whatever) to the forum, it's immediately evident what motorhome you own. While it's mildly entertaining to learn that someone is located "On the back side of the Moon", it would be a lot more helpful when they ask a question about, say, their motorhome's electrical or heating system to know they were living on the moon in, say, a 1999 Auto-Sleepers Legend. Even if the question fails to identify specifically the electrical or heating system, if I know what the motorhome is then there's a good chance I'll know what equipment it's fitted with. (And, if you want to add more motorhome-related details, you can always put them in the "Interests" field. See my own Profile as an example.)


I don't begrudge playing Mystic Meg for forum newcomers, but I'm less keen on having to search back through a year or so's worth of a long-standing forum member's postings in the hope they will have revealed in the past what vehicle they own so that I can make an educated guess as to what piece of equipment they are currently on about.


What I've never understood with this forum is why there is no dedicated field in the Control Box to identify the vehicle one owns, as it's such an obviously useful piece of information. However, there isn't, so that leaves the Locations field as the only realistic alternative.


So please do yourself (and me!) a 2008 good turn and stick your motorhome details (year/make/model) in the Locations field. It's just the work of a moment and the benefits are genuine and long term.

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i got into trouble for not stating my motorhome model in an earlier thread.............and it was stated in the first post, and in my description below my username (all the time)


In some cases, just a visit to specsavers is required (lol) ...........but i do get what your saying.

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rowley - 2008-01-07 6:55 PM


2007 Adria Twin. Sorry folks, how do I get that info where it ought to be?


Go into the control panel at the top of the forum page and where it asks for the location just fill it in and put your motorhome make etc in, then press the first submit button.

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