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Motorhome Insurance


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Basil - 2008-01-20 10:34 AM
Brian Kirby - 2008-01-19 7:05 PM".....The stated recovery exclusions (p26) are only: a) if the cost of recovery would be greater than the market value of the vehicle, or b) if the vehicle is unroadworthy.  Either seem reasonable to me. 

Section XIII (P33) specifically states that it is an extension to section XII, under which a) someone will come to you and take the vehicle to a repairer etc, b) "homestart" cover, ."

Hi Brian,I am interested in this debate as I usually look round for better quotes at renewal so was interested in the cover offered here, however you have just given me cause for concern with the recovery exclusions above, as what would happen in the event of an accident and the vehicle was 'unroadworthy' would that exclude it from recovery then?Bas
Hi Bas,Brian has not got it quite rightPage 26 Section 10 Exclusions should read "Roadworthy" not "Unroadworthy"Which makes more sense.Don
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Thanks Don.  Apologies to all.  Roadworthy is correct. 

Mind and hand problem!

At the time, I was thinking that the exclusion means they will repatriate if unroadworthy, which they will; so typed the word in my mind, instead of the one on the page.

Does it get worse as you get older??

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LordThornber - 2008-01-08 12:15 PM


Mel E - 2008-01-07 4:24 PM


Comfort are one of the top two motorhome inurance intermediaries, they specialist in motorhome cover and have an excellent reputation.


Mel E



Hello Mel, your post suggests a "league table", (top two), and the excellent reputation, please could you post your source (s) for this invaluable info or is it based on personal experiences etc?


Many thanks, Martyn




Yes, I do have a league table, currently based on research I did for a series of articles in MMM that appeared in 2001/2. The articles are currently being updated and completely re-written. More than that I cannot say.


Mel E



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There are many insurance companies out there but I have found Saga very competitive (much cheaper than Comfort or shield) and for me a very good additional advantage of the insurance for our car and that is I get back 75% (yes 75% not an error) for each day I am out of the UK, 95% of our touring is across the water - now I call that a good deal, if anyone out there can beat that I would be most interested.



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Curly - 2008-01-22 8:09 AM


I have found Saga very competitive




Interesting because the last time I checked around SAGA had two problems:


1. They were the second most expensive.


2. Despite asking to speak to someone who specialised in motorhomes I got a young woman who was useless - every time I asked a question such as: "Are the solar panels covered?", there was a long wait while she consulted the underwriter. This happened 3 or 4 times and, as a result, the call took over 35 minutes to yield a very uncompetitive quote.


However, SAGA have changed ownership since then, so maybe things have improved.


Mel E


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In relation to this topic: we are insured with Caravanguard. In our policy there is a limit on the amount of mileage, above which you have to pay extra. The basic number of miles is 7000. Over that, and up to 9000, you have to pay an extra £25. Over 9000, and up to 11000, it is an extra £50. Without checking the policy, can't remember what it is above 11000.

This was a 'free' insurance from Hymer UK, when we bought our van from them last year. (I know, it wasn't really free, but we got 1 year's insurance, including breakdown cover, that we didn't have to pay for separately). So not sure whether it was because of that, that there are extra charges for extra mileage.

Does anybody else's policy have the same/similar conditions?

If it is not due to having the insurance 'free' from Hymer, then it adds to the cost of insurance, as we will have to pay the extra £25 for over 7000 miles soon, and possibly £50.

We'll give them a ring about this anyway, but wondered if this was the case with other insurers, as our insurance is due for renewal at the beginning of May.



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Yes Brian pro-rata and the car is off road but not sure if it has to be garaged, on the back of the insurance certificate you can put your leaving and return dates of your tour and the certificate is returned to you when you come back to the UK. The full premium for our vehicle valued over 60k is £395 and no tracking devise required as was insisted with other companies. The 75% cost savings is returned to your credit card the following month, I love it.


Curly (lol)

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Disappointed that Comfort Insurance haven't had the curtesy to reply to my emailed query re the breakdown cover.


I telephoned them on Monday and they told me that they had received the email and had contacted the underwriters for an answer.


I've gone with Sureterm who, if they couldn't speak to me there & then, phoned me back within the hour.


As Mel E said, sometimes it not just about the cost, it's the level of service you receive too.

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Apologies to Comfort who have just phoned me!


It seems that the wording of the document can be mis-interpreted, but they think that, as no-one has queried it before, they doubt if anyone has read it.


I am wrong in thinking that endorsements over-ride the policy wording.

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J9withdogs - 2008-01-25 2:14 PM

I am wrong in thinking that endorsements over-ride the policy wording.


Endorsements do normally over ride or add to the original policy wording but there should be something either on the policy schedule and/or the endorsement itself confirming this otherwise it is open to misinterpretation. Insurers often issue blanket type policies these days where not every endorsement included actually applies which is why it is so important to read and understand the policy schedule.

Congratulations for being one of the few to try and understand it and not get confused and give up - they don't make it easy do they!

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I have been with MCIA for many years, and always found them very competitive, and you get to speak to ENGLISH speaking supervisors and not some outpost in India. :-o I dont shop around much now but remember when I did, the last time was Norwich Union, remember the Quote me Happy slogan ! what a laugh, it was miles more than I was paying, MCIA offer great annual medical insurance up to 71yrs age before increases, and as mentioned good continental breakdown and U.K cover. Mind you I cant remember ever claiming and have max N.C.B. Keep fingers crossed.
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There is just one thing that is now worrying me.


The insurance I have bought is a 'second vehicle' policy and does not accrue no-claims bonus.


What happens next year if I go back to using a company that does require evidence of no-claims bonus?


Does it revert back to the 3 years that I currently have evidence of or does it take intervening years into account?


Confused? I certainly am!

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Make darned sure that you have the last renewal notice showing the NCD entitlement as these are usually valid for up to three years.


Get your insurers to confirm that they have seen your proof of NCD and ask them to confirm your entitlement in writing to you for future reference.


That way you should have all the references and names and numbers that you will need to substantiate any future entitlement.

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J9withdogs - 2008-01-25 4:21 PM


There is just one thing that is now worrying me.


The insurance I have bought is a 'second vehicle' policy and does not accrue no-claims bonus.


What happens next year if I go back to using a company that does require evidence of no-claims bonus?


Does it revert back to the 3 years that I currently have evidence of or does it take intervening years into account?


Confused? I certainly am!



Hi there,


If the policy you have does not accrue no-claims bonus, then yes, the next policy you take with a company that uses a no claims bonus system will revert to the 3 years.


Most Insurers, will accept the 3years NCB you have within 2years of the policy cancellation date. But a few insurers, including Comfort, will accept up to three years from the cancellation date.


Hope this has helped your queries.


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Nish - 2008-01-25 5:15 PM


Hi there,


If the policy you have does not accrue no-claims bonus, then yes, the next policy you take with a company that uses a no claims bonus system will revert to the 3 years.


Most Insurers, will accept the 3years NCB you have within 2years of the policy cancellation date. But a few insurers, including Comfort, will accept up to three years from the cancellation date.


Hope this has helped your queries.



OOOOOOOOOOOh - spies in the camp folks!

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Comfort have, from long standing, added occasional comment to forum items where they can assist clarity or understanding.

Far from being evidence of "spying", their response seems to me to fall into this category.  Concise, authoritative, and so much better than all those well intentioned "I think" type replies. 

Bit like the contributions from Euroserv you were appreciating.  I think this contribution is to be applauded in just the same way.

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Brian Kirby - 2008-01-25 5:30 PM


Comfort have, from long standing, added occasional comment to forum items where they can assist clarity or understanding.

Far from being evidence of "spying", their response seems to me to fall into this category. Concise, authoritative, and so much better than all those well intentioned "I think" type replies.

Bit like the contributions from Euroserv you were appreciating. I think this contribution is to be applauded in just the same way.

Fair comment Brian - it was only a joke!It is good that traders take an interest as from it might come more customer awareness and from that better products and services.Well I always was an optimist!
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