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Fire in Van - update

Mel B

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Hi Gang Thought I'd bring you up to date on events. Since the fire in our 'van in June we have had a dealership technician and manager examine the van, then a Corgi Inspection was carried out (must've been VERY expensive as he spent hours looking at it and weeks putting a report together!). Whilst this was going on the dealership drove up a loan 'van for our July holiday in Norfolk, which was duly collected by them on our return, we were then given another loan van for our recent trip abroad, and at the same time we let them finally take our van away for repair. We just got back on Sunday and on Monday have were informed that our 'van has now been repaired, the whole of the gas piping to the BBQ point has supposedly been ripped out and renewed, with new tap and being properly routed and shielded. One condition we made with them was that the repair would be independently safety checked (at their cost) and this is happening on Friday (by Corgi again) and all being well we will collect it on Saturday morning. We are still sorting out 'compensation' with them, in one form or another, and hopefully will be able to report the final outcome by the end of the month at the latest. Thanks to everyone who sent us their good wishes. Oh, we're going to York show for the full weekend in the "dealer's" enclosure - is anyone going to be in one of the "dealers" enclosures too, it'd be nice to meet up with a few 'e-chums'? All being well I'll be able to tell you next week which one we'll be in although at least I do know where to find Clive now!
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Hi Mel It isnt just the hassle of the fire itself, but all these delays with dealers & insurance companies Hope you get everything sorted to your satisfaction
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