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Wi-fi is it legal?

Guest Mike C

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Have just picked up this information from another forum. If you use wi-fi technology look at http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4721723.stm Regards, Mike C
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Just bought the equipment to do this - was told it was absolutely legal - but haven't tried it out yet. There was also an article in the Daily Telegraph about a week ago, saying you can buy "Sniffers" for about £25 - key-ring sized devices that will tell you when you are "in range". Presumably these would not have been sold unless the purveyors also thought it legal? I shall be following developments with great interest.
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Guest Will Redfearn, Wirral Motorhome Club
"There was also an article in the Daily Telegraph about a week ago, saying you can buy "Sniffers" for about £25 - key-ring sized devices that will tell you when you are "in range". Presumably these would not have been sold unless the purveyors also thought it legal?" This could mean "possession is not an offence but operation of the device is illegal" This was the situation many years ago with AM cbs.
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Anybody who uses radio technology to transmit information must accept that sooner or later it will be intercepted. Radio is a BROADCAST medium and irrespective of any encription system used it RADIATES and if one person can decrypt it then so can another. I would never used RF technology in an application that could be routed to delicate information, like bank numbers of the bit on the side,s phone number!. If you want to be safe then wire it directly and use infra red for wire free adjacent component connecting. Going slightly off subject a bit. All this fuss about mobile phones and the advice to use hands free kit and keep the phone away from your head. So why do so many nurds use a blue tooth (wireless) link with one bit plumbed permanently into their ear hole to connect to their phone? Do they take them out when they go to bed? Back in the 80,s 50 watts on 27 Mhz gave free petrol at the pumps as it stopped the counters from working! You have been warned! The Ayatollah has spoken. 10:10
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Will I have a nasty suspicion you may be right: "possession is not an offence but operation of the device is illegal". This is the sort of thing lawyers get rich on! I must admit that it seemed too good to be true – free Internet access just about anywhere – which is why I pressed the guy who sold me the kit as to whether or not it was legal. Clive I think you may have misunderstood the question. The original post quoted an article which said that sitting in the road latching onto a nearby wi-fi was, in effect, theft of the service. I certainly would never ever send anything confidential by any radio means, and indeed will use the Internet for such things only if I really have to – e.g. when making an EasyJet booking and the only form of payment they will accept is a credit card number to their website. However, all I had in mind to do was e-mail friends with the fascinating details of my wanderings in my motor-home, plus related digital pics. I wouldn’t be the bothered in the least if a snooper looked at them.
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Hey Clive Don't suppose you know the frequency for the modern fuel station pumps so we can get free diesel do you????? I think certain forum members would think you were God!!!
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Having seen the other Forum and replied to it , then here is my opinion The operation of the purchased (or home made by those who are capable of making a device that will operate in the correct parameters) is perfectly legal. as is connecting to a site such as in a campsite provded either by payment or free to the members - firm /club/campsite - by the said members Connecting to an open but otherwisw private site (pirating ) is illegal, but it is up to the operater of that site to 1 protect their site from being pirated 2 to prove that a said person has used the site illegally To Will Redfern Why should I purchase a device which tells me that I am in range of any WiFi or private network?????? there is such a facility provided in (almost) every laptop on the market and in desktopmachines The one we mothballed 5 years back had such a device There are people out there who know little of the technology to know what they can do and how it is the responsibility of those in the knowledge to help fellow travellers to get round these difficulties. The technology is not difficult to understand once the basics have been explained There are alos peole out there who have the knowledge and aim to exploit those who llack the knowall or experience It is legal to use the wireless device that we use when away from our home base station and which does not rely on a terestial connection Ant bosy buying or getting a connection to any of these devices (including telephone routers) will receive a messsage confirming the legallity of the device(s)
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